
Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Butterflies

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Fire Emblem: Awakening

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fire Emblem: Awakening or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


PAIRING: F!Avatar/Sully

NOTE: New Fire Emblem means new Fire Emblem porn. Because I am nothing if not predictable.

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Robin waded gratefully into the cool water, the gentle current rushing along her naked body. Sure, she could have bathed in the designated tent, but it was a beautiful day and they had set up camp near a beautiful forest through which ran this... this... well, it was too small to be a river and too big to be a brook.

Robin gratefully sank below the waterline and emerged again, her turquoise hair falling wetly between her shoulder blades. She walked against the current, swam a few strokes, floated on the surface with any real plan or intention other than to simply enjoy the nature, the sunshine, the solitude and the feel of the water against her skin.

Actually, perhaps she wasn't really enjoying the solitude. Tharja was watching her from somewhere. Robin couldn't see her and certainly couldn't hear her, but she was sure of it anyway. She knew enough of the dark witch's obsession that she would've followed her all the way out here. And even if she didn't, she was an accomplished enough mage to sense the power that lurked within the pale Plegian.

Robin smiled. Perhaps it was the fact that she was alone with the hidden sorceress or perhaps it was the glorious day, but she felt bold and just a bit naughty. It wouldn't hurt... well, it probably wouldn't hurt to give Tharja a shock for once.

Robin turned in the water and headed for the bank as though was going to get the towel she'd laid out on the grass. She emerged slowly as the stream became shallower, the water cascading down her shoulders. With a few steps more her wet breasts became bathed in sunlight and she fondly imagined that, wherever Tharja might have been hiding, she was suddenly blushing, though probably not embarrassed enough to look away. Well, that was fine. Robin continued to calmly walked forward, droplets running down her flat stomach and then...

And then her waist emerged above the waterline, the water getting stuck in her turquoise pubes and running down her not-entirely-flaccid cock. She smiled when she wondered what Tharja would think of that. That this perfect woman that consumed all of her attention wasn't quite the woman she thought she was. Would she be shocked? Repulsed? Intrigued? Robin found herself actually interested in the answer. She was well aware that most would be quite put off by a woman with a manhood, but she wondered what a mind like Tharja's would make of her peculiar body.

Somewhere to the right, the bushes rustled and not because of the wind. The sound of footsteps rushed away, telling her that she'd have to wait a while for the answer. She put Tharja out of her mind and tried to decide what to do next. Get back into the water? Or lie down