Weekly Meeting

Story by Eianna Cale

Preamble This is something that occurred to me as a fun idea while I continue to toy with how I want my other stories to press on. I am working on ideas for them, but I don't really have anything solid that I particularly like for them as of yet, hence their lack of updates for quite a long time.

As is my usual, this is not a Soft story. Even when there isn't sex in it explicitly, hermaphrodites in my world are still labeled as dangerous individuals for various reasons as displayed in the prologue of the story. It isn't a bright or happy world, either- there are going to be things done that cause pain or injury to other people by primary characters in the storyline. There are going to be people who aren't sure they're going to survive the sex, or what comes after. There is going to be an overall sense of oppression, bigotry, and inequality.

This story probably isn't for people who want happy go lucky- but I hope it appeals to some people nonetheless, and encourage people who want engaging (even if pornographic) fiction. I certainly hope I can write something that is such!

The primary focus of this story is the environment, and the Upper A Class character- Though I did go a little bit overboard with some of the description, and felt like I was slacking with some of the others. I think this kind of detracts from it, but I don't know if I can rectify it later on without focusing on those characters- which I do not particularly want to do at this juncture.

Without further ado, read on.

In early 2011, the first known Class S hermaphrodite emerged in a college, attracting the attention of the Government with a sudden, inexplicable incident resulting in the pregnancy of over six hundred individuals. Since then, various hermaphrodites have been discovered among the populous with varying degrees of the mutation, ranging from Class D to Class S.

All hermaphrodites are characterized by the same mutation, with the varying classes having varying subdegrees of the mutation. The mutation itself is almost uniformly similar among the entire population of hermaphrodites. First and foremost, hermaphrodites present several specific qualities, though all of these qualities vary from subject to subject, and some subjects do not show some or any of these symptoms: An amplification of the female sexual characteristics. Increased libido. Severely decreased inhibitions. Extremely increased longevity. Presence of male genitalia in addition to female genitalia (A subject that has the mutation present in their system is deemed a "carrier" of the mutation.)

The combination of these traits and their severity results in a generalized Rating by the government (All world governments, if tolerant of the presence of hermaphrodites in their society, have adopted this rating system as well as the classifications therein) upon maturity. After the emergence of six other Class S hermaphrodites, it bec