New Place (futa, transformation, more eventually)

Story by bobthecreep

Greetings everyone! This is the very first story I've written that I've ever shown to the internet. It started out slow but I managed to bang it out in about a couple hours.

Please point out any spelling or grammatical errors or general readability issues.


No more boxes to unpack. No more furniture to move. No more trucks, movers or real estate agents.

We were finally home.

Both my mother and I let out hearty sighs of relief and let ourselves relax after months of preparation. It was too bad my sisters hadn't been there to help. Things would have gone much faster.

After living in a cramped apartment for all of my 20 years of life, moving out to what was basically the middle of nowhere was a huge leap in terms of scenery. Even with our new home only three or so miles from the nearest town, it felt like we were the only ones on the planet. Acres and acres of wild grass in all directions with a freshly paved road out front that stretched on past the horizon in both directions.

Even with all this open space and fresh air, something seemed... off. I felt as if I was standing in the middle of a huge crowd that obviously wasn't there. No matter where I was in the house, there was this nagging feeling that I was being followed and watched. Even outside standing hundreds of feet from the house in a sea of grass that came up nearly to my chest, I didn't feel alone. Don't get me wrong; I didn't feel like I was in danger, it's just eerie when you feel the gaze of someone or something when there isn't anything around to look at you. Maybe it was just nerves over being in a new place.

“Isn't this exciting, Isaac,” Mom asked with a firm punch through the bottom of the last cardboard box, breaking the tape so it could be flattened and tossed out, “I was finally able to buy this lovely house and get you kids out of that dirty, disgusting city!”

After having three kids and no one else in the house to bring home bread, Mom took up web design. Things started out slow, mostly due to my sisters and I growing up and doing other little kid things, but as we got older and were able to more or less care for ourselves, she started to get more and more jobs, designing and maintaining websites full time from the comfort of her own home.

Mom kept herself fit, despite her relatively less-than-physically-demanding career, jogging most mornings and eating light. Despite this, however, she couldn't shake the weight from her modest backside and breasts. Her skin was very fair and smooth and her long wavy copper hair flowed just below her shoulder blades and framed her cute round face when she chose to let it down. To complete the Irish look, her eyes were a deep emerald.

“Too bad Patty