The Piltover Bitch Maker (League of Legends)

Story by baneangel

This is a bit of a fun one-shot that I wrote a few weeks ago for the lols one afternoon. Vi just seemed like she fits perfectly as an aggressive futanari. Funnily enough this is my least favorite of my stuff despite it being the most recently made.

The Piltover Bitch Maker

Vi had a smirk on her face as she finished smashing the double golems into pieces. It was so satisfying to break things even more so when they were crushing the match. All of there lanes were winning in no small part thanks to her well timed ganks. That let just bot lane that needed to get snowballed and after that this match would be over, yet another victory for her in a long list. Her partner Caitlyn and Janna were the ones pushing the lane while the enemy Sona and Ashe. Her summoner made a note that she was coming bot and hopefully they would get a nice double kill and seal the game away.

As the lane was pushed she entered from blue side lane brush and made her way forward concealed. Janna had pink warded the bush earlier in order to set up the manoeuvre. Vi waited patiently looking for the perfect moment to strike. Cupcake and the enemy Ashe went back and forth killing the wave of minions and occasionally taking pot-shots at one another. Finally the time to strike came when Sona walked out a little bit to hard trying to get a power-cord off on caitlyn. She stroke her cord and a blue magic musical note came out hitting Cait and at the same time Ashe fired a crystal arrow intending to stun her friend.

When the two enemies advanced to make their play Vi smirked and made her move by rushing part Sona towards Ashe. Vi knocked the queen into the air with a terrible force before smacking her back to the ground a moment later. The frost archer was taken off-guard and had a look of terror as she moved to run away as their aggression was turned on them. Vi ignored the Sona by pounded away on the enemy archer as she turned her back. It was an easy target and she was likely already dead but Vi wanted to make sure.

Suddenly she felt as if her gauntlets were much heavier than they had felt in years. Worse she stumbled as she ran forward she recognized the sensation as being exhausted by the enemy support. Still she thought she could get the kill so she brought her fist back and prepared to rush forward when a sound swept over the area. At once she was overwhelmed with the urge to dance like she had never felt before. In her mind it made sense for a moment then just as quickly the compulsion was gone and in it's place was annoyance when Ashe made her way past her turret.

“You bitch!” Vi muttered as she turned around to see the Sona trying her best to make an escape she lik