The Witches of Scarbeck

Story by sinister exaggerator

So, almost five years ago(!) I posted a fairly well-received story on here about some sexy witches doing sexy witch stuff. I never ruled out the possibility of a sequel but said not to hold your breath. Well, for anyone stupid enough to have ignored that advice, sorry for your inevitable asphyxiation. Anyway, I have finally written the first part of what is looking to be a pretty lengthy follow-up to that initial story.

Below is an updated version of the original story with a few sizeable changes to bring it in line with its delayed sibling and correct some of the more jarring "I totally wouldn't write it like that now" bits.

As for the sequel, I've ended up indulging in far more preamble, character development and the like than any piece of smut really ought to merit, so apologies to anyone looking for a quick fix - you probably won't find it here.

Please let me know if you'd like to see part 2 materialise. I have elements of it sketched out, and even some basic ideas for a third story with these characters, but nothing much fully written yet. If there's any demand for it then I'll try to knock it out fairly swiftly - no five year waits this time, I promise!



(futa/f, growth, size, excessive cum)

A bored young witch is a dangerous thing. Much like a bored young anything, their boredom leads them to act on a whim, and acting on whims invariably leads to consequences.

Take, for example, the whims of Miss Jennifer Lapwing, apprentice witch and horny teenager. Jenny was attractive by anyone’s standards (and in the quiet village of Scarbeck, nestled deep in the heart of the Yeovan Tors, the people had pretty low standards to begin with).

Now well into her seventeenth year, her looks were really starting to blossom. Inquisitive brown eyes and long auburn hair, lips that seemed always on the cusp of a kiss, slim waist matched with womanly hips and breasts so exquisitely formed and remarkably large all formed a package that would make her stand out as an exceptional beauty in any of the continent’s most populous cities. Here, in a village with barely two hundred inhabitants, she was forever the talk of her neighbours and peers. Indeed, her unnaturally good looks were the source of much envy and a few nasty rumours amongst many of the other girls and women of the village, and the source of continual daydreams and furtive night-time fumblings amongst the men.

Jenny was bored of Scarbeck today. To be fair, she’d been bored of it from the day she’d first arrived nearly a whole year ago to train under the stern but fair tutelage of Mistress Letitia Hawthorn, the most formidable witch in all the Tors. Prior to her apprenticeship she had been a carefree and popular girl growing up in a busy market town, the only daughter of a doting mother and a kind, hard-working father. It was only as she entered her teens that she realised she was different, that she had abili