Letters From a Boy [b/b/F, f/f/b, F/b, incest, humil, futadom]

Story by ASerra

Just a sort of a weird idea I had today after going on a trap kick. I usually don't get into anything at all male... but I think traps are finally starting to charm me.

Unfortunately the copy and paste didn't keep my font, though maybe you'll all consider that fortunate for your eyes. It does mean though that it looks kind of utilitarian, but I'd like you to keep in mind that it's all supposed to be written in really curvy cursive.

214 Southarbor Lane

Gotham City, Connecticut, USA - EARTH

April 13, 2013

Dear Resident,

My name is Chris Dewford. You don't know me, but we live at the same address. I just happen to live in the Chevon dimension while you live in the Earth dimension. My AP History teacher has encouraged us to write these letters in the hopes of opening a dialogue with people of another dimension.

I'm not really sure what you'd want to know, so I guess I can start off telling you a bit about myself. I’m a boy, in case you couldn’t tell. Erm, I’ve heard that we don’t use that word the same way you do. Umm, I’m not sure how to describe it, but it means that I’m kind of average in being thin and shorter than most women or futas. I don’t have breasts, though my nipples are well developed and really sensitive, but I do have a penis.

Let’s see, I don’t really have a particular career path in mind after High School. I’ll probably just go full-time at my job as a Library Assistant and take night classes to get my degree. Outside of school I usually just hang out with my boyfriends at the mall. When there’s a good sale we’ll go to the dress shops and try to find cute dresses, but mostly we just cruise for older futa doms to hook up with.

My best boyfriend, Miles, and I like to go double with them. Usually one of us sucks her off while the other pounds his ass. You just have to remember to use your fingers too with a futa. Stick a couple fingers deep in and even just giving their ballsack a good suck can get them cumming all over. It’s pretty wicked and if you make a dom cum when she’s not expecting it she gets all sorts of nasty trying to make up for it.

I’m actually the first boy in my family in three generations. I feel like that’s put a lot of expectations on me. My family is always trying to teach me how to really pleasure a woman, or, more rarely, how to be a better cock-slave. I don’t know if I really want to get married or owned just yet… But don’t tell my family that, they’re kind of obsessive about me getting married.

My god, I could probably mold a too scale replica of my sister’s pussy at this point as long as I could use my tongue. She’s always having me go down on her as some sort of ‘training’. With the way she’s always acting I bet she’d marry me herself if it wasn't illegal. My dad’s our grandpa, and second generation incest is a no no. I at least paid attention in health class that day!
