Booty Call

Story by Altamira_vbulletin4_import72293

This story was inspired by a friends role play profile, specifically The Llittle Black Book' section. Booty Call is dedicated to my friend and her awesome, awesome company she provides. You know who you are! *Exaggerated wink*

This story is about Altamira and a serious issue she has lately. She's normally very much in control of herself, possessing lots of mental discipline. However, as it happens now and again in her life, sex has reared it's head and trapped her again. She's succumbing to it's temptation more and more, and she's gotten addicted again. She's ravenous.

Chapter 3 will feature either Christine or Sefira, depending on which way I am persuaded or my preference goes. Christine is a mother of 8, a friend of Altamira's for a few years. She's also mentioned in Arcane Research, another story of mine.