The Zaira Trio

Story by tantan

I've lurked here for years and I tend to write a lot but this would be my first foray into writing futanari stories and not just roleplay. I hope this story is enjoyable! Feel free to leave comments or criticism if you're so inclined. I hope to make this more than one chapter but we'll see.

The Zaira Trio

Looked like it was going to be one of those days.

Zaira sighed, shifting in her chair as she lifted her hands from the keyboard and closed her eyes as she resigned herself to the fact she was just incredibly aroused for no good reason. It was the middle of the day and she'd worked through lunch (the remnants of her salad were tossed in the trash and the wrapper from her sandwich crumpled forlornly next to it) because her focus on the report she was writing kept sliding off due to of a number of things – it was the middle of the week, after all – and being so turned on certainly wasn't helping her. Little spurts of wetness kept slipping out of her, staining her underwear and making her take too many trips to the bathroom than she'd like to try and dry them off. At one point she seriously muttered “Calm down” to the general vicinity of her crotch but that hadn't done much. She kept getting wet; she kept getting more wet and she was probably just going to have to forgo her panties completely at this point.

She pressed her thighs together and wished the warm ache coiling in her would settle so she could get something done. If it lasted much longer she wasn't sure she'd be able to contain...everything.

A frown twisted her lips. The office was mostly empty today which should have made it perfect for her to catch up with everything. But

Another tight press of her thighs and she felt a twinge come from her clit; a warning sign of exactly what she'd been hoping wouldn't happen. As if excited by the prospect her pussy let out another considerable slide of slickness to dampen her panties completely and she could smell the musk of herself with it. Zaira took a deep breath and quickly went back to her computer,clicking her way into reserving the conference room for the next hour. That'd...probably be enough time and it was more private than her small cubicle.

While she settled with that her clit started to ache. It didn't hurt it just... she wanted to touch it and she had to hold onto her mouse tightly to resist the urge. Zaira shut her laptop with a deliberate snap when she had everything marked off.She unhooked it from her workstation and grabbed her cellphone before darting down the hallway to the small conference room at the end, her heels muted on the carpet floor.

“I just want to be able to look at something that's not some gray wall,” she called over her shoulder to one of her co-workers when he looked up. She kept her laptop over the front of her