Story by misfit446

From the analog archives. Had time to type it up. It is a bit old but thought I'd share anyway. Don't know where or IF this is going anywhere. Hope you enjoy!


Rita Gomez and Laura Hendricks sat having coffee while the usual noise from the gaggle of 14 year old girls splashing about the backyard pool wafted through the screen door.

“Those girls are loud,” Laura laughed out.

“Oh, they’ll calm down soon enough. Kelly is so excited to show off her new computer. They’ll be playing games all night, I’m sure,” Rita said.

“Well, all I can say is you should get a medal for talking on this sleep over.”

“It’s nothing Laura, really. They’re good kids.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the coffee. I’ll see you Sunday afternoon. Jim and I are really looking forward to this weekend away.”

“I get it. Have fun. I’m gonna start lunch. Have a safe trip,” Rita called out to Laura’s hurrying figure. Pulling out sandwich meat she called out, “GIRLS! Come in for some food.”

“Okay Mom,” Kelly Gomez shouted back.

Soon the four girls were sitting at the table wolfing down sandwiches and eating chips while slurping sodas all the while keeping the conversation going. Mouths stuffed with food was not an impediment to the racket.

“Hey guys. When we’re done I’ll show you my new computer,” Rita announced.

“Cool! You get any new games?” asked Rain Loomis, a thin, red headed girl.

“Of course.”

“Can you surf the web too?” asked Christy Hendricks, the loud, not so pretty yet built like a porn star leader of the pack.


“This’ll be fun,” Tammy Ralston giggled.

Up in Kelly’s well appointed room sat the gleaming tower and wide screen monitor on her desk.



“God, I want one too.”

“This one is all mine,” Kelly announced, plopping her bikini clad ass on her cushioned chair. Her C cups wobbled a bit as she reached to power up the computer.

“I bet movies look awesome on that screen,” Rain gushed.

“It’s like a movie screen in your room. You’re so lucky,” Tammy pouted.

With the boot up complete, Kelly started Google. “What do you wanna look up?”


“You tube.”

“Penis,” Christy announced.

Silence followed as three very surprised faces turned toward their friend. “What?”

“Look up penis. I want to see some.”

“I can’t do that. What if my Mom caught us?” Kelly asked.

“We’ll hear. Go on,” Christy urged.

“Okay.” Kelly typed and within milliseconds over 18 million hits were made.

“Wow. Look at all those sites,” Tammy gulped, staring at the screen.

“Go on Kel, click this one,” Rain offered, pointing at the monitor.

It didn’t take long for the girls to become immersed in the exciting world of porn. Christy got her wish, seeing lots of thumbnails of buff men with hard cocks.

“See? I told you,” Chris