F.L.O.P. (Futa/f, size)

Story by lustepic

One shot fap fest that has been sitting on the corner of the hard disk.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

Words have power. Especially the four letter ones.

Just remember, love is also one of them.



The figure in the corridor on the sixth floor of the depilated, hourly rates motel at the edge of the border town, in front of a door from which someone had ripped off the numbers so only their ghosts showed on the surface, had tried to obscure her womanly proportions under a dark, dusty wrangler’s ankle length coat. A pair of big sun glasses obscured the face under a wide brimmed hat.

It had been a struggle to follow the path of clandestine whispered and muttered instructions to the door. Their trail confusing and exhausting, designed to shake of any pursuers, but at last she had arrived. Impatient to get in, shaking hand had trouble to fit the heavy brass key into the keyhole the leering porter/owner had given to her. The thought of what was waiting on the other side, if nothing else, she would batter the flimsy barrier down, should it refuse open otherwise.

The lock finally turning with a crunch, the door opened on creaking hinges. The entry opened, sour aroma of old sex acts wafted out of the room. Inhaling deeply, nose twitching at the pungent smell, trying to contain the tumultuous emotions inside her, the woman’s hand reached down and under her coat, rubbing her crotch and the bulge therein. The by now familiar firming on nether regions increasing the turmoil inside her, pulling hand out underneath the coat, she sighed deeply.

Stepping in the room, she was stopped on the threshold by the view inside. Waiting on the greasy bed, its cover and mattress seeped through with old sperm and other bodily perspirations, a naked girl laid on her back, hands clasped together into tight praying fist between round breasts, disproportionally large on the flawless, slender preteen body. The hardened nipples on the round globes pointing upwards aimed at the same dot in the infinity beyond the ceiling the busty, dusky lolita was staring at trance like state, while the mouth moved in silent supplication.

Putting the key on the lock from the inside, turning and leaving it in, the woman barred the door. The door's closure and key's turning broke the soundlessness of the girl's supplication. Whispering voice strengthening, the utterances from the mouth sounded rhythmical gibberish.

Hurriedly removed hat and glasses revealed a coldly beautiful face framed by a straight and lustrous, chin length dark ebony hair. Cloak stripped away and short boots kicked off the woman stood stark naked. Underneath the cloak she had worn nothing.

Caressing herself sensually, in the rhythm of the girl’s crooning voice,