
Story by April's Fool

Breaking the surface of the slimy goo, Amber took a deep, panicked breath. Long, slender arms flailed madly for a moment, splashing viscous, greasy droplets around the room, before delicate fingers scrabbled at, and quickly found purchase on the ceramic rim of the bathtub. Dragging herself up into a sitting position, the young woman immediately slapped at her eyes with the back of her wrist, desperately trying to clean herself of the liquid. Failing this, however, she resorted to scooping handfuls of the oily substance out of her eyes, until finally, she was able to force her eyelids apart.

Pale blue eyes darted from side to side, taking in the not-so-pretty sights. Long, blonde hair plastered to her skull, glued down by whatever concoction filled the bathtub, Amber clumsily dragged one leg out of the goo, hooked it around the side of the bath, and rolled out onto the floor with a loud, wet splat. Steadying her breathing, she tried to take stock of her situation. She was naked. That was the sticking point. Bronzed skin, gleaming from the oil coating her form, was bare to the world. Heavy, slightly sagging breasts heaved up and down, perky enough with youth that, despite their size, they formed almost perfect teardrops. Her brown nipples stood at attention, diamond hard from the cold. And, she had to admit, a little bit due to her circumstance. She'd never deny that she's an eagerly kinky bitch and, for a moment, the thought crossed her mind that someone was just playing a trick on her. A sexy trick.

Begrudgingly though, she crossed that theory off her list. The room she was in was way to elabourate to be a mere April Fool's joke. There was a body in the middle of the room, a voluptuous young girl - perhaps a highly developed fifteen year old - lying face down, arms and legs spread out in odd angles. The girl had a black, latex mask enveloping her face, plastered perfectly to her girly features, and yet revealing nothing. She obviously couldn't see or speak, and yet the two tiny pinpricks in the material gave her room to breath. At first glance, she looked dead. But every now and again, the plush limbs twitched and spasmed, and the occasional breathy whimper could be heard resonating from the nostril holes in the teen's only piece of clothing.

Amber's first instinct was to immediately climb to her feet, rush forward, and see if she could help the girl. It didn't quite work out though, due to the tight, black leather collar encircling her swan-like throat. As she leapt to her dainty, perfectly manicured feet, it felt like hitting a brick wall as the heavy, metal chain attached to the collar reached its limits. Astonished, she felt her feet slide out from under her, coated in the slippery substance as they were, and she fell straight back down onto her magnificent rump. Men, women and futanari had all worshipped that ass, begging her for an hour, just an hour, yearning to dive between the plump, jiggly cheeks and explore the woman's treasures. Th