Opposite Sides

Story by Sajukno

This is a story about two very different people brought together by a single event.

For as long as Samantha Parker could remember, Lucy Michaelson had bullied her. At first it was routine playground teasing, but as the girls grew older and started to mature physically, it was because of Sam's relatively small tits compared to Lucy's voluptuous melons (B cup compared to Lucy's well-developed double Ds). As Sam moved into somewhat of a goth phase, dying her short hair black with a red streak, donning a variety of black t-shirts, baggy pants with frankly too many chains and pockets, fishnets everywhere, and large, thick black boots, Lucy, well on her way to massive popularity and captain of the cheerleading squad, began calling her a "goth dyke" and other, less creative insults. This blonde bombshell was seriously getting to Sam, and what made it even worse was that they were lab partners! Sam couldn't even begin to count the number of times they had gotten in trouble for arguing with each other during class, nor could she count the number of times both girls had failed projects just to spite the other. It had gotten so bad that their teacher had sat the two down after class and flat-out told them that if they failed one more project, they would both flunk chemistry and have to re-take it in summer school.

"Good!" Lucy had said. "I'll at least be away from this stupid goth emo loser!"

"Nice try, Lucy," their teacher Ms. Krupp had replied, "but if the two of you fail, you'll be retaking it in summer class...together."


"Now, for this assignment, you will all be dealing with very volatile chemicals, so please be very careful," Ms. Krupp said.

From the very back of the class, Sam raised her hand. "Volatile? Isn't that a little dangerous for high schoolers to be messing around with?"

"Relax, Samantha," Ms. Krupp replied. "As long as the chemicals don't touch your skin, you'll all be fine."

"But what if it does?" Sam replied.

"These chemicals will wash right off provided you get to it quickly. Now, let's begin."

"What's the matter, Sam? Scared?" Lucy teased as the partners began their project.

"Wouldn't you be?" Sam replied.

"No, because I'm not a chicken like you," Lucy said, sticking her tongue out.

"I may be chicken, but at least I'm not a bimbo," Sam growled.

"WHAT did you call me?!?" Lucy snapped.

Before Sam could snap back, Ms. Krupp slammed a textbook down on an empty space of their work station.

"Listen, you two, one more outburst like that and you're both flunking, and you know what that means."

The two girls nodded quietly.

"Finally, we understand each other," Ms. Krupp said. "I need a smoke."

Ms. Krupp went back to her desk and began working on grading while the rest of the class was left to work on their lab projects. Sam and Lucy continued needling each other, keeping their voices low so they wouldn't get in trouble.

"You're just jealous because I h