Samuraiking's CreepyPastas/ Scary Stories

Story by Thesamuraiking

((For those of you who do not know what a CreepyPasta is: A CreepyPasta is basically a short story of the horror genre. Usually they deal with monsters like The Slenderman or The Rake. These are my first attepts at a CreepyPasta, so enjoy. Reviews and tips are apprciated ))

I Am Alone

I am alone in this cabin. It is where I go to write my books. Books about the supernatural and people who fight and defend them. I am alone in this cabin. Snow fills the air. No need to worry. The nearest town is thirty miles away, but I was prepared for the snow storm. I am prepared. A back up generator keeps the lights on and my laptop powered. I set up a Wifi hotspot for access to the internet.

I am alone.


I am alone.


There is someone walking through the living room. Impossible. I am alone.


It is my imagination.


The sound is louder. It is getting closer, whoever it is.


It has to be my imagination. Been reading too many stories about the Slender Man, The Rake and other monsters


It has stopped outside my bedroom door.

Oh god. It is there. Oh god oh god. It is standing before me.

I am not alone. imagination.


The sound is louder. It is getting closer, whoever it is.


It has to be my imagination. Been reading too many stories about the Slender Man, The Rake and other monsters


It has stopped outside my bedroom door.

Oh god. It is there. Oh god oh god. It is standing before me.

I am not alone.