Subject 451

Story by andyh007

Hello everyone! After a long absence I have finally returned. I have been wanting to give you peeps some more juicy writings but Billy's story has had me stumped for some time. So I have put together a one shot for you in an attempt to get rid of my writers block. I will be planning on doing more one shots than stories with chapters in the future. That way I can always move around to new ideas and not get stuck in a rut so to speak

This is a story I had been working on while also writing Billy's story. A hard drive crash robbed me of the original unfinished work unfortunately. The story changed pretty significantly when I started writing it again, but the general themes remain the same. I hope you all enjoy it. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome.

Subject 451

Light. Blinding light.

This was the first thing young Jennifer noticed upon her rousing. She could vaguely remember anything and for a moment she felt as if she were suspended in space and time, as if she was neither existent nor non-existent. As she squinted at the harsh whiteness trying to get her eyes to adjust however, her memory was returning as slowly as her consciousness.

The fifteen year old girl had been walking to school that morning. Of course, as far as she could tell now that could have been days ago. She had been walking alone as cars and other people occasionally passed by. She had turned down Greer St. as usual when she suddenly noticed that the street was strangely devoid of the few cars and pedestrians that she had been seeing around her this morning.

Then as if waiting for the perfect moment to strike. A moment when no one was around to witness. Jennifer had heard the roar of an engine approach swiftly from behind her, followed by the sound of a sliding van door, followed by the blackness of the inside of a canvas bag. Her final memory was of being thrown into the vehicle like a sack of potatoes and the sharp pain of a needle being inserted into her neck. It had all happened so fast that she hadn't even had time to scream out.

By this time, Jennifer could sense feeling returning to her extremities as well as fear creeping into her heart. Once her head felt less like a ton of bricks she lifted it with some effort and glanced at her surroundings. The room was extremely mediocre in that it was completely white in the most sterile way possible. Not a speck of color to be seen. The light in the room appeared to be coming from all directions as if every surface were the source. Directly in front of her was the only break in the whiteness. A large black window of some kind that she could not see through, but she could feel someone was there.

This is when Jennifer noticed something else that terrified her. She was completely naked. Her pale skin exposed for anyone to see. Upon trying to move her arms to cover herself she then felt they were strapped to the