Ace of Aces

Story by FutaKerrigan

Hello Futa Palace!

Tis me again, I have stumbled across some inspiration, but wait!! It is not from a video game, nor a book world, nor a world or universe anybody made up but myself. It does have similar themes to my last story on here, (Skyhammer: A Fallout Futanari Fanfiction) which is thus:

The main character is a badass soldier, who takes no shit from anyone and is a person that society has fucked over so hard that she is no longer falling over the edge of sane, she is already at the bottom of crazy and it will take some very beautiful, bountiful, and intelligent women to bring her back.

The first three or four chapters that i will post will have no sex. At all.

THEMES In this story You will find themes across the board, though for sure look forwards to the following:

Female/Male, Female/Female, Female/Futanari, Futanari/Futanari, Heavy-transformation, Domination, Submission, Harem, gangbang

Possible themes/fetishes: (do not expect to see any of these for sure, the themes listed below are merely tumbling around in my head)

Tentacle, cum-inflation, oviposition, multi-cock, psychic powers (magic-ish stuff), Loli, cum-baths, slight gore, BDSM

Themes you will probably not see: (again, not set in stone, but am disinclined to add)

male/male, male/futanari, beast/any, shota, watersports

Themes you will NOT see:

Necrophilia, Snuff, Scat

WARNING (< WARNING > I dont deal with mutalation for a sexual release, especially not self mutalation in my stories though they do get gory with all the fighting. Torture does, and probably will happen in my stories. I choose to reflect the world into my stories as how I have found it to be. Pain is very much a part of life, as is physical pain and abuse. My stories are not meant to be read as a quick sexual release. If you are looking for a read that gets in-depth with the characters and their personalities, and read through the high and low points, the gory torture, the long battle scenes, the journey in-between the sex then this is for you. Don't get all angry because I misrepresented your fetish, or didn't use it like you wanted. I write for me, and decide to share with you. I am always open to suggestions and in fact love bad and good feedback equally as much! <WARNING> )

The Chapters.


General Mctaigh sat back in an uncomfortably hard chair, his posture suggested a relaxed state; he was anything but relaxed. The other man in the office however, was very relaxed. General Cincura sat back in his much more comfortable chair behind his desk, he exhaled thick black smoke from the opening between his extremely thin lips, a big cigar resting warm between his long fingers.

“Come now, Taigh, nothing will go wrong, we’ve made sure of it.” The black smoke rolled softly across Cincura’s tongue; the feeling of smoke across his sensitive tongue was entirely why he smoked such thick, heavy smok