Camilla’s Weakness

Story by BlueBlueBlue

This story was originally conceived as a one-shot, though I can imagine expanding on it in the future. I hope everyone enjoys. Feedback and constructive criticism welcomed.

The police station was quiet. Only a few officers were bustling from holding cells to the lobby and back again. They processed vagrants and druggies for the usual nonviolent crimes that overwhelmed the city. The reminder of the force was responding to an actual threat. A nearby explosion and heist at a local jewelry boutique. Dozens were injured and countless jewels had been stolen.

Detective Camilla Soto arrived at the station, fresh from the scene of the crime. On the short trek to her desk Camilla’s comely appearance turned the heads of a few cons and even some fellow policemen. A fact that often bothered Camilla. Yet, her professional polish and diminutive figure couldn’t hide the natural allure of an unblemished olive complexion and pronounced cheekbones, regardless of how little makeup she wore. Nor could her charcoal-gray pant suit hide the supple, fit body that lied beneath.

With the department drained of resources due to the recent heist Camilla knew she was in for what would soon become a mountain of paperwork. A massive workload that the rookie detective had not yet grown accustomed to. It wasn’t that Camilla had a distaste for her job. In fact, she loved her work. Though her talents and expertise lied in her ties to the Hispanic community and sound investigative work, not the daily grind of pencil pushing.

At her desk Camilla pulled her raven black hair into an ever so tight bun. She peered down the lenses of her stylish, thick-framed eyeglasses as she shifted through her evidence and notes of the eyewitness accounts gathered outside the jewelry boutique. Soon a vague description of the assailant and timetable of events began to form. Comfortable with the information she had and proud of her findings the young detective prepared to call her partner and send out an APB on the person of interest.

Prior to her dialing Camilla noticed a list on her partner’s desk. It contained descriptions of individuals recently arrested or brought in for questioning for various reasons. As her eyes roamed over the document she noticed one particular Jane Doe that aroused her interest. The suspect was being held for gun possession without a permit. There was no photo present, but her description was similar to Camilla’s suspect. The woman was also apprehended only a few blocks away from the explosion.

This was all to tempting for the rookie detective. Camilla Soto had risen in the ranks nearly as fast as any other woman in the department’s history. The prudent thing to d