My name is Isabella Valentine

Story by Doombug

Hello everyone this is my first time posting and writing any type of story so please be gentle popping my writers cherry lol anyways enjoy. This turned out longer than I anticipated and its only the first chapter. Hopefully its worth reading becuase I plan to keep writing, so lets hope this isn't utter trash. Let me know what you think. Oh and I had real trouble trying to think of a title for this so I just went with "My name is Isabella Valentine" if you can think of something better let me know

Isabella Valentine was having a very bad day which was a real shame considering how wonderfully the morning had begun. She could remember waking to the feeling of a small soft hand jerking her and a hot mouth suckling at the tip of her large cock while the other hand of her beautiful petite playmate from the night before was alternating between teasing the folds of her increasingly wet pussy and sliding lower to rub the juices on the puckering hole below. Sighing as she could feel her orgasm building and the pressure at the base of her prodigious member was exquisite as she continued to deposit copious amounts of pre into the waiting mouth. Beep Beep Beep… Growling Isabella sat up and reached for the side table and her com unit that lay discarded upon it, grabbing the small device she slipped it into her ear and tapped the line open.

“God dammit this had better be important you know how much I hate it when you interrupt my mornings” she said as the com unit also opens a small holographic window a few inches in front of her face displaying the image of her personal secretary Leona a tall willowy woman with flaming red hair and pouty lips.

“My apologies Mistress Valentine but you requested to be informed when we received the press release from the government of Epsilon IV detailing the new tax structure they wish to impose upon your brothels on the planet.”

*sigh* “Very well Leona send the document to the computer in my office and I’ll look at it momentarily.” Closing the open connection on her com link before a reply could be heard Isabella flipped over the soft covers of her large bed revealing the sexy body and bright green eyes of Vanessa Smith one of her many on again off again lovers.

“Sorry V, business calls looks like we’ll have to pick this up the next time and besides don’t you have that breakfast appointment to attend with your pathetic husband you were telling about last night.”

Mewling with disappoint about not getting the delicious cum she had been working so hard to get Vanessa sat up as she released Isabella’s cock licking the head and running her tongue under the foreskin that had started to recover the head of the large girlcock she had just released. Scooping up all the pre she could get before swallowing it down and then sliding her fingers covered in pussy juice into her mouth.

Swinging her legs off the bed Isabella slipped her feet into her favorite pair