The Harrowing Grounds

Story by KyroPracter

Hello everyone again!

Just finished up my second story, which is a direct sequel to my first work "A Demonic Night." This is my first attempt at adding in a story to go along with the sex, rather then the other way around. For those of you not familiar with me, I focus heavily on transformation and monster girls. There's not really a "normal" sex scene anywhere to be found. I write because I want to fill a niche I feel needs to be represented. And while I'm not totally satisfied with my works, I do feel that I'm moving in the direction of a writer I want to be. Shakespeare, it's not, but I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope that you enjoy reading it. I've gone over it so many times that the words are starting to blur, so if you come across any mistakes or corrections that I need to make, please let me know. Oh, and it's about 110 pages or so in length. Take your time ;). I'm currently busy penning the concluding book. It may also help you to know going into this story that I wrote it sort of like a bad B-horror movie. I love those situations where you yell at the main characters "why would you do that!?"

Without further ado, I present to you, "The Harrowing Grounds"

Tags for Chapter 1 No sex, just the set up


Nothing exemplifies happiness like summer vacation! Warm sunny days. A cold drink of soda. Hanging out with your friends. Being free. Except, of course, if you happen to be taking summer school. While the days might be longer and the nights shorter, class drags on at a snails pace. Why would anybody subject themselves to such torture when they could be having the time of their life!? These were the questions Katie asked herself as she suffered through her boring horticulture class.

Of course, had she actually passed the first time, she wouldn’t be in this situation. She had finally completed her senior year of high school, but in order to officially graduate she needed these last few units. While her friends were outside shopping, partying, or swimming by the pool, she was trapped in her academic hell. Why oh why didn’t she just pass it the first time around?


“HUH??” perked up the young blonde.

“What did I tell you about nodding off in class??” asked the furious voice of the teacher.

“Sorry professor Weinhart…” Katie apologized.

“I’d hate for you to have to take this course a third time. Honestly this is one of the easiest classes, you just need to focus. There’s not much to do besides taking care of the plants. Speaking of which, it’s your turn to change the water in their filter. Make sure you do that before leaving today.”

“Yes professor…”

The other students in the class were just getting ready to leave. It was almost 3 o’clock, and that meant freedom. Katie didn’t pack up her stuff just yet; she had been assigned a task to do first.

Next to the classroom was the gree