Open House

Story by collosalsquid

Chapter one of a hopefully continuing saga. If you like plot and characterization in you are erotic fiction, well, there's some but that's not what's going on here. It's just some light, frivolous, sexy prose. I hope you enjoy it. I'm not much of a guy for drawing but I do hope to get some character pics up in future. Please do not bug about accents. All other criticism, suggestions and praise welcome!

Renee fumbled with the lock to her door. She knew when she signed the lease that it was old, creaky pain-in-the-neck but it didn't seem important at the time. Now, and every time since that she was in a rush, it was unbearable. Twisting and wrenching the key around, jiggling the handle back and forth, she thought about the mere hour until her roommates returned from work and what proportion of that time this lock was costing her. Finally, with a shoulder ram and a little luck the door swung open with a pathetic groan. She dashed inside and up the stairs, throwing the door shut behind her.

At last, she stood in front of her bedroom's full length mirror. The image in the mirror was a familiar one: slim and tall, smooth, pale skin, silky blonde pigtails almost white from the summer sun, and perky c-cup breasts poking at the fabric of favourite t-shirt—but, she thought there was something missing. She grinned and stifled a giggle as she reached under her skirt. She gently slid her little lace panties off her hips and let them fall to the floor. She sighed in satisfaction. Now the picture was complete: The tip of her tight, pink cocksleeve hung down halfway to her knees, swaying heavily beneath her skirt like the ringer of a bell. She walked to her computer and switched on her camera. She cycled through the various feeds from cameras she had hidden elsewhere in the house (the kitchen, the living room… the bathroom, her roommates’ bedrooms); nothing happening, of course, but the recollections made her tingle with excitement. She turned on some music, set the camera to record and stepped back in front of the mirror. From its position on her cluttered bookshelf the camera recorded not only Renee’s alluring image, but her reflection in the mirror, too.

Renee crossed her arms and grasped her shirt, pulling it off over her head. She admired the curves of her breasts beneath her tiny, flesh-coloured bra. She shifted her hips back and forth, watching the tip of her huge, soft cock drift pendulously beneath her low-slung skirt. She ran her hands slowly up her arms, down her shoulders and over her bra, pushing and pulling her breasts apart, lightly tracing her areolas with the tips of her thumbs. She licked her lips as she unhooked her bra and threw it aside, exposing the firm globes of her upturned tits and their long, taut nipples. Her nipples and areolas were rosy against her pale skin and almost seemed to shine in the light. She turned around and pulled her skirt up her back until her firm, toned ass w