A Fight on the High Seas? (M/F - no futa)

Story by Sirius

Okay first off I know this is a futa board but this is the only board I frequent and I had this idea a couple weeks ago. I have had other ideas for stories in the past but never wrote them down or tried to expand on them. Second this is a one shot, I will probably never expand on this, it was merely a stray thought I had for a story while driving somewhere. I hope someone will enjoy it, if not sorry for wasting your time.

A fight on the high seas?

Bouncing up and down a ship sailed in the open ocean looking for a shot at it's prey. The waves splashed against the wood of the hull spraying salty liquid over the and her captain. Up and down the ship bucked in the choppy water sailing fora location the captain felt would lead to his victory. The ship was known for always finding victory and it's heralded figurehead, a man holding a spear out, was known across many ports when it docked for resupply and for the crew to talk about the most recent victory at the local pubs before shipping off again.

The captain was a slender man with dark brown hair with decent looks and always seem to have luck in any battle his ship and crew engaged in. The ship he called home, called the Russell, which was not uncommon to have your ship named after you among the other captains he was friends with, was a strong ship that had won him many battles against his adversaries. The crew were experienced men that stood by their captain not matter the decision.

The ship was coming up to the location that the captain felt would lead to their newest victory. As the ship continued to tear through the waves the captain could see a glimmer for a brief moment of what he sought.

Gliding just underneath the water it moved, its body being body only barely noticeable. Then it jerked and started to move, quickly pushing it self away from the ship.

But the captain knew he would catch up to the beast due to his fortunate wind blowing into his sails. Up and down the ship went as it broke through waves like a knife through butter as the ship gained on the beast below the water.

After only a few minutes chase the beast had made the decision to try to fight the ship. Barely having to raise much to break the plain of the water its tendrils snaked out waiting to wrap up the ship to hopefully stop it and sink the ship that was known for its victories in the open ocean.

Then it was made clear to the captain and his crew, a giant squid came above the sea level to challenge the ship.

At that moment the captain grinned,but only slightly, knowing that his prize with luck on his side would win the day and have yet another tale for when they the ship docked again. This was the prey that he and his crew sought, and what they were to look for every time they went to sea. They were seekers of giant squids that would challenge even the most seasoned sailors.

“Run out the spear guns! Full sail!We are going in