Three's Company (pt.5 added) - Futa/F, Dom, Female/Futa Muscle Growth, Excessive Cum

Story by eccentricman

Here's one that came to me in a dream; I say a dream, more like a glorious confection of everything I find erotic about futa (notwithstanding some notable omissions).

Read on to find out about three very special people, each living very interesting lives, discovering what new challenges and looming dangers await them... plus lots of gratuitous sex. I hope you enjoy it and, inspiration permitting, I hope to continue this series in the future.

If you like it, please let me know and, of course, constructive comments are appreciated.

Without further ado:

Three's Company

In a remote facility in the Alps, the last transport pulled up to the back of the carrier plane, the three gestation pods lined up in the back like glowing obelisks, each one parading a silent array of diagnostics, readouts and status updates.

The cocoons were festooned with blisters of quietly buzzing tech, barnacles containing various tools and emergency equipment and all were liberally plastered with signs and labels and warnings.

The wind outside began to howl as the carrier plane loading ramp dropped, clanging down on the hangar floor as masked men and women ran out, jumpsuits neutral grey in the dawn light. In seconds, the cocoons were on the plane and the only sign that anyone had ever been there was a small puddle of dark oil in what had been the shadow of one of the huge wings.


Hank ducked and cursed as an explosion high above him went off with a flash of yellow and orange flames. His sweat soaked body gleamed in the light of the dying aircraft as he stood, panting, his sweatpants flapping in the stiff breeze.

Mouth hanging open, he looked on as a brilliant shard detached itself from the stricken plane and dropped from the sky like a gift from the gods, growing slowly larger as it came towards him.


With a yell, Hank sprinted for the cover of some nearby trees and went to ground next to a tangle of deadfall as a bolt of fire and shrieking sound ploughed through the trees nearby and hammered into the soft forest earth, trailing a torn parachute like a banner.

Wide eyed and awestruck by the devastation around him, Hank trotted out of the shelter of his cover and began jogging up the long scar towards the wreckage that might have killed him.

As he drew nearer, he began to frown, seeing thick armour plates ablated all around him, the designs and warnings on them all in foreign languages, European or Eastern European in flavour. There wasn't an airport for hundreds of miles around, not even those facilities in the desert were close enough for that plane to be making for at that altitude.

He froze as he saw movement ahead, eyes going wide as a slender arm feebly felt around the dark loam, emerging from the lambent blue glow within the wreckage. The arm was battered and bruised and pink... and human.


The recently Mr. and Mrs. Godfreys sat in their mode