The erotic adventure of Viva Yogini

Story by Clumsy

Hi, this is a longtime project of mine that may take months to finish. Feedback would help me to keep going. I have two of 8 sections ready.

The first section (Prolog) is futa transformation. Chapter one is Futa/female. Future sections will contain futa/male futa/demon futa/goddess.

Rather than an anime or fantasy world, this is a modern character who lives in the yoga culture. There is a lot of play with religious themes and could be considered blasphemous by Hindus or Christians. No offense is intended, I'm following my passions here. My main interest is to know if FP readers are intrigued or bored. I've worked on these first sections a long time and fear they may be over-written. The sex will get more graphic as it progresses, but there's enough in chapter one to get started I think.


Viva Yogini was accustomed to beauty and comfort. She lived alone in a simple cabin of stone and timber without internet or television, surrounded by a large estate her parents had given her. She had no car and left her phone off for days at a time. A handyman checked in to provide maintenance and drop off supplies twice a week.

Sometimes friends came from the city to spend a few days relaxing or to help plan seasonal retreats on the property.

At auspicious times of the year Viva hosted gatherings of free spirits who camped in her woods and practiced yoga together in the fields. There was meditation and ritual in the day, then drumming and dancing around a bonfire late into the night.

Viva knew she was well blessed in this troubled world and was grateful. Her father had been court astrologer to a multi-platinum rock and roll band. He had lured her mom away from one of a series of mogul husbands. Viva had grown up in palaces and resorts all over the world. She had enjoyed every modern luxury, but what she cherished now was the quiet beauty of nature on these acres where she practiced the arts of introspection and devotion.

One summer morning Viva woke just before dawn to begin her routine of chanting and stretches. After praising the fierce goddess Durga 64 ways, she sat cross legged before the altar of flowers and icons to collect herself. She took a deep breath in through her nostrils and activated her root lock. Pulling up the muscles between her pussy and her little ass hole, she felt the familiar stir of sexual energy that she could direct through her body for health and invigoration. On this morning she also felt a light pressure above her clit. A pushing. She relaxed her groin muscles on the exhale then clenched them again when her lungs were empty. The odd pressure returned and increased. Disciplined to focus on her practice, Viva closed her eyes and turned her inward gaze to the place between her eyebrows, not letting the unique warmth interrupt her waking rituals.

Lately behind closed eyes she had been seeing the white flowering radiance described in ancient texts. Occasionally geometric patterns flashed in her mind. Now