
Story by polo2077

Hello, my name is Polo2077 and this is my first story published anywhere.

First of all I have to warn you. My first language isn't English so beware and expect heavy use of Engrish.

Story itself doesn't have pornographic or futanari content yet. There will be some futa/female when time comes and plot allows. Story is heavy on plot (or pseudo-plot). EDIT: As of Chapter 3 there is now pornographic and futanari content.

Since everybody not interested in plot stopped reading three sentences ago, I will explain few things.

Story is set in fictional original fantasy world where civilization froze in middle ages complete with catholic church and Holy Inquisition. However it is fantasy world so there is (probably) magic and magical creatures.

Main character is young woman training to become inquisitor, leading investigation in small town as her final test.

There is or will be blood, death and violence in story, both implied and explicit, but it is nothing extreme (in my eyes) and if you can stand standard action movie you should be fine.

I appreciate all forms of feedback, be it constructive critique or some grammar errors, typos or bad punctuation pointed out.

tags: plot, blood, death, violence, futa/female (see individual chapters)


Ravaged body lay on pavement in pool of dried blood. Night watchman kneeled next to the corpse, investigating ripped throat of the victim. “This is seventh one in last month. Jonas, get the priest. He will know what to do.”


Tall man in black with priest collar cleared his throat. “I have found the taint of evil surrounding the place of murder. Evil things roam around the town. Town council has to do something, before it’s too late. ”

Fat man in red surcoat, trimmed with fur, laughed. “Please Tybalt, you and your evil things. Have you ever seen one? I bet silver crown it’s just some band of thieves. City watch will surely have them in no time.”

Just as the priest was preparing his angry answer, grizzled man in breast plate with Town watch badge, stood up. “It was no robbery my lord. The bodies were ripped apart. Some even missing limbs. Yet we found coin purse on the corpse. The cleric is right, no man could do that.”

“Bah! And I suppose goblin did it? Or was it a werewulf? Or perhaps Devil himself? There is no such a thing!” men in red replied.

Priest’s face became dark purple. “Blasphemer! How dare you! Only thanks to the work of our Lord and Saviour and his humble servants are those things hold at bay. Only by...”

“That’s enough!” He was interrupted by older man in doublet, who sat until now in silence. “I do not mean disrespect father but it seems they are no longer kept at bay. What can we do about it?”

Priest stepped to the window and gazed outside. Then he slowly answered. “I think it’s time to call for inquisition.”

