Power Girl vs. The Vermillion Vivisector! [F/Fu] [Rough] [Abusive]

Story by Demon of Elru

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A woman obsessed with the superheroine Power Girl sets a devious trap!

(Un-beta'd. Not to be taken seriously. If you're not interested in the set up, and I don't blame you if you aren't as it seems to really drag on, then the sexy times start at about chapter 2. Can get word-y. Also to get a better idea of how V.V. looks, think Liz Vicious with fuller lips and a bigger ass. Double also, to preempt any problems with authorship, I (triple)also posted this story under the name KarumiSenko)

Chapter 1

“Success!” A voice rang out in a darkened bedroom, the only light was from a laptop balanced on the lap of the room's sole occupant, her face full of glee as she played back the video she had finished editing. She was sure it would work, her target was much too big of a softie to take a chance on it being a fake, especially when her demands would be so seemingly innocuous. She eagerly shoved a blank DVD into the optical drive and began the burning process, with this last act she would be finally ready to proceed with her nefarious, yet utterly brilliant plot. She leapt off the bed, unable to relax and unable to avoid becoming wet at the thought of all she would gain upon completion of her task. “Oh yes, tomorrow you will rue the day you rescued me Power Girl, for I, the villainous Vermillion Vivisector will see you pay for the frustration you have foisted upon me!”


A groan of annoyance bordering on despair emanated from her slouched over figure. “Three weeks... I can't believe it's been three weeks.” She whined to herself as she rested her head on the cool table. It was all so simple, in theory, she had studied the neighborhoods in which the superheroine operated and all she had to do was come upon Power Girl after one of her displays of heroism and issue a challenge. “But noooo, crime apparently had to take a month off.”

In addition, it seemed the city was in the midst of a serious heatwave, as her attempts to hide her costumed form under a large trenchcoat and a large, floppy hat only earned her odd looks from passers-by and discomfort that was getting close to becoming heat-stroke. Sweaty, frustrated, and teetering on sanity's edge, she dramatically jumped to her feet and raised her hands to rally at the heavens “Come ooooon! How the hell is no one robbing a fucking bank or something?!” Of course, she had forgotten she was seated in the middle of a bustling coffee shop, which was now silenced as the employees and patrons eyeballed and murmured about the lunatic in their midst.

“Oh, uh... Heh heh,” she nervously stalled with so many eyes on her, “I mean, what's the deal with banks, am I right? They're open like twenty minutes a day or some shit, right folks? Can I get a-” It seemed the heavens heard her cries