Symbiotic Magic (Magic Transformation, Futa/Fem, Weirdness)

Story by Luvbster

I know what you're thinking: "Luvbster! What the hell is this? Where's chapter 14??" To which I reply: "Shut up and read my story, jackass!"

I'm still working on aMMiH, but I felt like doing something different, so I slapped this short story together in two days. Hopefully I got it out of my system.

EXTENDED WARNING: I don't think there's anything particularly off-putting in the story, but there's scene of someone tied up and fondled for a bit if that bothers you. Also it gets kinda weird in the second half; you'll probably know if you want to continue or not when the character of Elise is introduced.

Enough of that, here we go!

“So… can you help me?” the young woman with curly brown hair pleaded.

The taller woman rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she leaned back in her large, overstuffed chair. The only light source in the large stone room was the fireplace, making the shadows dance ominously across her otherwise immaculately pale face. Red eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the girl on the stool across from her. “Why do you believe I can help you?” came her ethereal voice.

“W- well… you are the Dark Witch, are you not?” she asked nervously, “I have heard stories of your powers. I have tried all of man’s medicine; I know not where else to go.”

“You realize I do nothing for free,” the witch replied, brushing her midnight-black hair from her brow, “Are you prepared for the cost?”

Arianne looked at her feet in shame. She was a plain-looking girl in plain-looking clothes; obviously the markings of a peasant. “I have very little money,” she said shyly, “I have saved what I could, and I will gladly give you all of it…”

“I have no interest in coin,” her beauty was marred by a growing evil smile, “What I want cannot be purchased from a merchant.”

“What is it?” Arianne asked, both hopeful and frightened.

“Your body,” she replied, grinning at the shocked response, “I always have a use for new test subjects.”

The peasant blinked. “Subjects?”

“Yes,” she explained, “Much of my magic is experimental these days. My curiosity has only grown in my old age. I need young bodies to try my new spells and potions on.” She chuckled. “It’s so much easier when they come willingly. Avoids that whole torch and pitchfork annoyance.”

“Wha- What would you do to me?” Arianne asked, extremely nervous.

“You must agree first,” she said matter-of-factly, “Or I will not help you.”

Arianne weighed her options. The witch’s proposition was terrifying to her, but her problem was destroying her life. “My affliction is such that I have grown desperate,” she thought aloud, breathing heavily, “I am constantly aroused. Even now, it is a