The Legendary Book of Sensual Magic

Story by Greenfeline

New story, yay! This is a collaboration between myself and Lex_Ray! :3

Its going to have some slightly different themes then Futakittens, but will end up having crazy huge sizes of course. ;3

We're kinda making it up as we go along, so we will see where it goes!

Chapter 1

The young, busty girl sneezed as she combed through the ancient bookshelves. Her long, wavy red hair that she was named for remained dust free, quite literally magically. She frowned and consulted the weathered journal she had found back at her family’s estate during her last visit, trying to find the hidden panel it spoke of. “Geez, I don't think anyone's been down here in years. No wonder she hid it here!”

Scarlet, like all the other students at Mana Mountains Academy, was a promising young witch in training. She tapped the wooden panels along the bottom of the bookshelf until one abruptly vanished with a poof of smoke, startling her. “Ah! Clever girl, she must have sealed it against anyone but her own family from finding it...that must mean it's still...” She reached into the dark hole and felt something book shaped, her bright green eyes sparkled as she eagerly pulled it out. “Yes! This is it, I told Milly it was real!”

Milly was her overachieving, bookworm of a roommate. Hopefully she wouldn’t be too mad that Scarlet had 'borrowed' her access amulet to get down to the archives. She quickly muttered an incantation to reseal the hidden cranny and made her way back up the many flights of stairs, cautiously looking out for anyone else. Not that she likely even needed too; other than Milly no one spent much time down here. It was better safe then sorry though--the last thing she wanted was to have her prize confiscated! She muffled her footsteps with another quick incantation and started running up the stairs.

Scarlet quickly returned to her room after only a few close calls with senior witches and instructors making sure no one was out after curfew. The silent footsteps spell really did the trick! She silently entered her room to find Milly still studying, just as she had been when Scarlet snuck out. She grinned and dropped the book right on top of her piles of notes startling the small, flat chested girl so much she nearly fell out of her chair. The noise also woke up Sora, Scarlet's magical flying cat, which hovered over and happily plopped herself down on her master's shoulder. “Mew!”

“Dammit Scarlet don't sneak up on me like that! When did you even leave?” Scarlet rolled her eyes “Like two hours didn't even notice?” Milly blushed red as she brushed her black, shoulder length hair away from her blue eyes so she could re-adjust her glasses. She looked rather cute the way she parted it to each side, if slightly nerdy Scarlet t