Music heals the body and the mind

Story by RedSeeds

Have been lurking on this forum for a couple of years, and decided to attempt to write a story. I hope someone out there enjoys it! feedback is welcomed!

Susan was late for work.Again.

Sirens, blazing towards some unknown emergency, were the only thing to wake the heavy sleeper from her immediately forgotten dream. A brief moment of confusion rippled across her face, quickly replaced by a look of horror when her eyes met the digital clock situated by her bedside. Doctor Stevens was going to really chew her out for this. But why hadn't her brand new alarm clock woken her? As she sat up to investigate, a cable brushed against her chin. Her headphones. She had fallen asleep listening to music again. With a sigh loud enough to be heard from next door, she started to make her way to the heap of clothes she usually wore to work, whilst attempting to text an apology to her boss of only two weeks. “probably not going to see a third.”Susan thought to herself, followed by a dry laugh.

Breakfast, an exhausting cycle ride, and heavy, lunchtime traffic were just some of the things Susan overcame in her quest to make it to work as quickly as possible. Locking her cycle to a post by the front door, she entered the foyer of Sanadrine Industries. They were an up and coming medical equipment development company, and Susan had been surprised when her best friend, Hannah, had told her her application was successful. In fact, it was Hannah's shift on front desk today, and Susan shot her a sheepish glance as she shuffled in, looking like a zombie.

“I feed the boss' cat fora week while she's out of town to get you this job, and you squander it by drinking until 2 in the morning the day before one of the most important days of your life! I love you honey, but you've got to start using that big ol' brain of yours one of these day...” Hannah said, following Susan down the hall she had tried to escape down.Susan grunted in response, but then froze like a deer caught in headlights.

“The demonstration. It's today, wasn't it.” Susan moaned, remembering why she had been celebrating the night before. She had impressed the doctor she was assisting so much that she had been asked to attend this important event, even before she had received her first pay cheque. This had gone from being a low point, to being arguably the most important day of her life.

“She's disappointed, Susan, but you can recover from this with your job intact. Just be prepared to kiss some ass!” Hannah joked,referring to Doctor Stevens, the woman “who may just lead this company towards becoming a household name!” as the brass liked to refer to her as. Susan held her tongue, and entered the door to the labs, bidding farewell to Hannah. She would have to face this music alone...

“3 hours late. Please save your excuses, I'm very busy preparing, as I'm sure you'll understand. Or did you forget about