The Transformation of Angela Scarletti, to Mistress Crimson - Tags inside.

Story by Grizlap

Tags - Transformation, Slow growth, Story Plot, Futanari, Mindshift, Futa on Female, and Futa on Male... EVENTUALLY...

Note, Not all chapters will include Smut, some will be just plot, and story, also, I do not know how to set up the Spoiler Tab, if someone could PM me how, that'd be awsome, without further adu. Note first time Poster, usually Lurk, so feel free to pick it apart for grammar errors,and such, I did my best to make the first two chapters flow, and I wrote this on like.. well I was VERY tired. I'll try to update it once a week or so, and again if someone could PM me how to set up Spoiler Tabs, that'd be awesome and I'll edit the post to put the chapters in spoiler sections, and regularly add them to this post.


Chapter 1 - Even angel's can fall -Tags, No sex Pure Plot.


This is a tale of a girl, a wish, and a book... The Girls name in this tale is Angela Scarletti, an average girl, with a not so average crush, a boy named Trevor Bane, she'd crushed on him Since JV, for ALL the wrong reasons, after all Trevor was a jerk, but he was also an All-American Linebacker, The Captain of the Wrestling Team, and the top lifter in Bench Pressing, a physical specimen that left Angela with a not so average book in her mitts, The Necronomicon, and so begins our tale of the desperate girl, the ignorant boy, and the depths poor Angela dives to try and make hem unite.

Angela left the bookstore, with a book held close to her chest, trying to make sure no one saw what she held. As she ran home quickly her mind rushed as she thought of what she was doing, buying a book looked at as evil, cursed witchcraft, just to make herself desirable to Trevor Bane. As she thought of him, his tight abs, and powerful biceps she felt her lithe legs move faster. Finally she got to the door of her family small ranch house, as she opened the door running past her mother as she was asked her day, as is normal custom when she'd get home.

“Angela ~ How was School, and why are you home so late” Krystal said in her usual sing song voice.

“Ugh, Mom it was as boring as usual, you know how school is, and as for why I'm late I told you I went shopping with Chel.” - Angela said in her usual annoyed voice, she always got annoyed answering the same questions everyday.

“OK ~Well, dinners almost ready, I'll call you down when it done” She replied, shaking her head at her daughters almost Sardonic tone.

“Thanks mom...”Angela said, walking down the hall in her usual cold tone of voice.

Finally to the end of the hall, she shut her room, and locked it, removing her cloths as she looked in her mirror at her Lithe Body, she'd always been small and slender, usually that wouldn’t bother most, but with her small figure, she was also given nearly non existent breasts, an A and a Half, not even a B cup, rubbing her hands over them she sighed.
