Force Urban Tactical Assault Force

Story by Zenku

This is my first dive into the world of adult writing. I have some other, older works of writing, but I'd thought I try my hand at something new for a change. I had this idea brewing in my mind for awhile now, and I figured this would be the place to put this idea. Again this is my first ever attempt, so I may lack in the whole descriptive department of writing out sex. Just a warning beforehand, to prevent pissing off the people who are into that. I started writing a little while ago, so that makes me technically "underage" when I wrote it. Sue me.

The story follows Private First Class Michael "Hardline" Harrison, a sort of spin-off of a TACP that's know as a Long Range Radio Operator. Though they are everywhere, the FUTA units don't necessarily get everything they need right off the bat, being a new unit overall. Call it fate or luck, but the (un)lucky private ended up with one such unit. Violence and sex, though not in that order necessarily are sure to ensue.

Will try to put up something at least once a week. I do write relatively short chapters, just to keep different ideas together, and to the point. I am not the most intense writer, so mistakes are bound to happen. Just politely point them out please. I'm all for your criticism, just keep it within reason.

Updates 3/22/2012: First Chapter Added. Added weapons to characters. Various minor changes/fixes throughout.

I'll try to include what will be in each chapter as I write it, until next time folks.

Private First Class Michael “Hardline” Harrison, Long Range Radio Operator/Specialist, 21. 6’1” and 172 lbs, moderate toned build (has muscle, but not really seen outside of his abs), light brown skin, “high and tight” cut black hair, dark brown (almost black) eyes. Michael wanted to join the military at a very young age. Seeing that most of his family had served, men and women both, he decided to follow in their footsteps. As he grew older, the idea of being special forces appealed to him greatly, and thus he went for the Long Range Radio Operator School in Fort Hutchison after completing basic training. At times, he seems to have a sarcastic, smartass, cynical sense of personality and humor. In truth he’s just reacting the way he had to as a teenager to survive the bullying he went through at school. “I wanted to finally be someone people can depend on. Military and Special Forces provided that chance to prove that I was somebody that people could rely on.” His armament consists of the M4A1 Carbine, customized to his liking within regulation, 1911, standard issue M9 knife, and a Marine Corps KaBar that he obtained during his time in the LRRO School.

Staff Sergeant Rita Lockhart, Infantry – Rifleman, 28. 6’0 and 162 lbs, pale skin, curvy, slightly muscular build, brown hair pulled back and cut just above hir collar (when in BDUs), green eyes. Rita came from a family of college graduate officers from all branches. During hi