
Story by eliseolisbos

Just a little something to thank those who read/reviewed/voted in the recent Story Contest; not just for me, but for all the participants.

GENERAL WARNING: This might contain some loli, I guess. The youngest character is fourteen, so if that's loli to you, there it is.

NOTES: This first chapter doesn't really have futa, but there's a specially designed dildo, so there's that.

Preliminary Testing

Clea got a vid-mail from her dad the moment she finished her homework.

"Hey Clea." The tired but handsome face of her father, the celebrated terraforming scientist Dr. Worthy Mason, materialised within the tiny screen on her desk. His image had travelled so many miles away, from the Demeter, a massive ship in orbit around the Galilean moon Europa.

"Hope you finished your homework," the recording said and Clea grinned, rolling her eyes. "There's a team going to the surface in a few hours, wish me luck. I'll tell your mother in another message."

"She's not my mother," Clea said, without any heat.

"I know, she's not your mother." Worthy's dark eyes twinkled as if he was amused at knowing Clea's rebuttal. "I'm sorry I had to leave you guys so soon after the wedding, but I know you and Ronny are getting along all right. Send me a vid-reply, so I have something to look forward to when I get back from the surface, okay? Til next time."

The three-dimensional image froze and then faded.

Clea said, "Set up reply," and the little screen glowed blue in response to the command. "Record." She waited as numbers flashed, counting down from five, and at one, she smiled and said, "Hey Dad. Yes, I did my homework. Principal Schuyler sent back my grades last night. I got A's for everything, but Biomech and Robotic Networks are my favourites right now."

She knew her father would groan at that. He was always insisting that Tectonics and Geoforming should always be among her favourites. He would show off the video to his shipmates, though, proud of his fourteen-year-old daughter managing subjects meant for people twice her age.

"Ronny and I are great," Clea continued. "Don't worry. She's working hard on her new microfeedback system."

At this point, Worthy would probably be bursting with pride at the achievements of his wife as well. Dr. Veronica 'Ronny' Snakeflower worked in the field of biomechatronics. Nearly all of the developments of the young doctor were used to make enhance many people's lives. Indeed, some of her work transcended mere replacement for assistance.

As soon as Clea signed off with their customary "'til next time," and ordered her message to be sent, she heard Ronny's disgruntled voice over the house intercom.

"Clea, are you busy?"

"No." Clea swiped her fingers across the surface of her desk, terminating all the software she'd been using to research and write.

"I need your help. Get down here."

Clea felt a cu