The Lost Libertine Chronicle (See Individual Chapters for Fetish Tags)

Story by dxasmodeus

After a long break, I felt motivated to continue writing. This story was originally meant to be an RPG Maker game project of mine, but after two years of thinking and accepting the fact that I needed an army of artists to even touch the project, I just gave up and decided to convert it to a story. This follows up my previous two stories, but takes a somewhat different approach. It is in the form of a "translated text", so to speak with a translator acting as an occasional narrator. I think the effect will pay off in the end, even if it is actually rather subtle. I also have a bit of a twist ending for this planned. As with my previous works, this will be a long project. Since I am also making this a story-focused submission, some chapters may be heavier on the fetish fuel than others. In fact, the first chapter has no real fetish content at all and is all story. To ensure that people are aware of what they are reading, the spoiler tags will have the fetish tags attached to them in case someone is not a fan of a particular fetish featured in that chapter. If one reads my other works, then you have an idea of what to expect, anyway. :D

I am not so much concerned about kudos or posts or thanks as I used to be, so if you enjoy it, great. I will continue this story until it is finished. I would have preferred to follow through on the game project for this story, but not being able to draw kind of torpedoes that idea. I have to stick to what I know.


Dear Reader, either through gift or coin, you are now the owner of the first of my translations of some of the stories left over from the Old Imperial Era. I have always found this period interesting because of the conflict with the Libertines and the old Imperial Temple religion. While I rarely get the opportunity to write because of my mercantile duties, the few chances I receive come with much relish. With today's increasing demand for items and curiosities that satisfy a certain…erotic appeal, the escapades of the old Libertines provide many stories of debauchery and lust for those who find the pleasures of the flesh of paramount value. I can say with no shame that those who seek pleasure have provided me with much of my financial success. As such, how can I deny my clientele another trinket from an era that both loved and hated pleasure? Even today, I search for and provide the most exotic and unique items for the adventurous seeker of Eros. There are those who may find this work breathtaking and there are those who may find this work repugnant. However, I offer you, gentle reader, this challenge: If you find this story overwhelmingly erotic, perhaps you are no different than the Libertines and have yet to accept it, regardless of how proper you think you are. If you are repulsed in equal measure, perhaps you are no better than the Templars of old complete with their fanatical hypocrisy. I leave this determination to you.

Who I am