A Bunch of Dicks (Futa/M/Futa/Futa - Size/Extremely Excessive Cum/Dub Con)

Story by Igatona

(Triggers for homophobic language and and a haphazard attempt at dick-size shaming, no, really, that thing backfires like gangbusters)

This was in planning for some time. Don't call it a comeback, I was kind of never here, etc.

Essentially, this is the story of Shannon and Judith, a Male/Futa couple who are happy together, go out clubbing and do things together. They are also stupendously endowed (Judith, specially) and love nothing more than to flood general areas with their seed.

This story is just a bit of their life, going clubbing, being aggressively hit on by futas trying to emasculate Judith's boyfriend, and this backfiring in horribly right results.


Shannon was nursing his drink at the bar, a stiff belt that was unforgiving to the casual drinker but strong enough for him. His long black hair with blue highlights complemented his fair face and goth fashion quite nicely, the mesh shirt somewhat digging into his heavily defined body. Clinging to his right arm was a mousey little girl named Judith who would look barely legal if it wasn't for the fact that she was there, sipping on a Long Island Iced Tea. The young couple couldn't look anymore different. Shannon had electric blue lipstick on, a long black skirt and a mesh shirt on, showcasing his body to everyone who would want to see while the girl looked like she belonged in the otherwise normal club, wearing a more casual yet appealing attire made to showcase her positively endowed bosom, a pleather skirt covering her lower area and showcasing her bountiful butt and her long legs, though she was personally quite short.

"Shannon... we should go dancing..." she said, still happy that she landed this man. While she originally found him good looking, she didn't think he would be into futas. Turns out he was a whole lot more than she believed as he happily hopped into bed with her. Which prompted a new bed and a cum drain installation. These had been a whole lot more popular since the futa epidemic of twenty years ago but that's neither here nor there. All that mattered is that they were happy together and yet still enjoyed going out.

"If that's what you want, go right ahead. I'll join you after I'm done with my drink, is that alright?" he replied. He wasn't much of a dancer.

"But it's no fun if I'm not with you..." she pleaded, winking. So that's what she wanted, she just wanted to grind up against him. He wouldn't mind normally but this glass required all his attention even though tonight, what she says, goes.

"There'll be plenty of time for that in five minutes, just go so you can save us a spot on the floor." he grinned, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She enjoyed when he gave her little kisses like that. She blushed and giggled, finding the otherwise large male quite sweet when he wanted to be. She finished her drink before his, proof strength oblige and went on ahead, shy little thing that she was.

Out on the floor, it was obvious