The Witching Hour

Story by akuo

Hi all Akuo here. As most of you well know there is a short futa story contest going on right now. I made my own submission and thought I should share It with every one here as well.

“What am I doing here?” Lily thought to herself as she walked through the dreary halls of OakVail Manner. It was an old, old house on the edge of town and her friends somehow got her to stay a night in this creepy place. Legend had it that the ghost of an old witch still haunted the house and grounds but that was just an old wives tail. Slowly she crept through the old house. The wooden floors squeaked and creaked with her every step. cobwebs and dust seemed to be draped in a thick layer over every exposed surface. All at once she heard something like a mournful wail. Quickly she turned and looked out the window and saw that it was only the wind rushing through the trees. A storm was on the way. “I hope it stops raining before mor-.” was as far as the thought got. Immediately in front of her appeared a milky white figurer. It was human in shape but with no discernible features save one, piercing red eyes. Lily didn’t even have time to scream before she passed out.

“Are you alright?” the words cut through the dark haze of Lily’s mind. It was a soft and alluring voice. With a groan she opened her eyes and looked about the room she was in. it was a well furnished and decorated room even if it was in an old stile. Her eyes then shifted to the women standing next to the bed she was now lying in. the cloths she was wearing were in an old style also. suddenly the question registered. “I’m alright. My head feels a bit fuzzy though.” Lily couldn’t remember how she got their but for some reason she didn’t want to know. “Thanks for the help Ms…”

“Genevieve.” Lily could tell that their was something… strange about this women. Genevieve’s eyes seemed to be roaming over her body and Lily couldn’t help but do the same. Lily’s eyes trailed down to her waist and She couldn’t help but gasp when she saw the bulge in the skirt Genevieve wore. “What is that?” Lily said breathlessly. Genevieve gave a smile as she rubbed the bulge Lily was eyeing. “This? Just and old friend. Would you like to see?” Dimly Lily realized she was nodding. As she did Genevieve stood unbuttoned the skirt at her hip and let it pool on the floor. Immediately the cock the old skirt was barely restraining sprung up and Lily couldn’t help but be awed by it. It was all she had thought a cock should be long, thick, and hard. “Have a taste.” Genevieve said. It was more command then request but Lily didn’t care. Lily crawled across the bed to where Genevieve now stood. She then took hold of the cock at it’s base in one hand and began to lick and kiss all around the head. “Yes” Genevieve moaned. “Yess just like that.” her fingers began to curl in Lily’s hair