[Story] When Video games become too real. Is it a good thing?

Story by ChicoXxX

This is my first story ever written, so please be gentle with your comments. I do hope you like it. If so, I'll add more chapters. If not, I'll stop I guess lol. For those who don't know what an Asari looks like here you go.


The weekend had finally arrived, which meant Jack Stone could finally do what he did best....play video games. However, Jack was not the type to go online. He hated online multiplayers for the following reasons: too much lag, having to mute people because of there idiotic discussions, and most importantly he couldn't see them. Jack preferred to play with someone who he could see with his own eyes. Someone he trusted. So he would always play offline with his best friend Katie Johnson.

Upon reaching Katie's house, he saw her putting out boxes one by one.

"Katie? What's up?" he asked

"Oh shit...I forgot you were coming over today Jack. I'm super busy today. I need to make room in my place, as I'm getting a new 3D big screen TV, complete with internet and you know the works. Can you come over tomorrow?" she asked as she put down a really heavy box.

"Sure, that sounds fine. But what is this stuff?" he replied as he looked at the box.

"Failed projects/inventions, that neither I nor the world are ready for. Like look at this right here." she said as she began to show him what was in the box. "You know how I hate MMORPG's right? Well I tried to make a virtual reality simulator, that allows you to actually explore the world by yourself in regular RPG's like Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, hell any game you want. I even updated the AI programming to adjust to your brain waves on how you think that particular world should interact with you. I got the idea from Sword Art Online manga. I call it Realisy. Where Reality meets Fantasy. I originally was going to call it Fantality, but that's dangerously close to Fatality." Katie explained with a giggle.

"Wow, that sounds like fun. What happened? Why did it fail?" Jack asked.

"Well I've tested it once, and it worked fine. But you know, manipulating the mind with this. There's no way gaming companies would let me fully test this with them. It wouldn't sell or make any money. Besides with things like epilepsy, mental disorders, and things like that nature might be too dangerous for some people. Imagine a person with a mind like a serial killer, and that word would interact with the way he thinks it should. Chances are he would die in his own game. I can't live with something like that on my conscience." Katie responded back.

"That's true, didn't really think of it like that. Can I borrow it?" Jack asked boldly.

"You want to borrow it? After everything I've just said." Katie replied back, slightly confused.

"Yeah, come on. A chance to explore the worlds of video games that I've always wanted to. Besides, today's going to be so boring without hanging out with you. I'll tell you what, I'll borrow it for the night, and bring it back