The visitor (A fantasy adventure story)

Story by Shadow_Kuma

Hey all! Shadow Kuma here! This is a story that has been brewing in the mind for a while, and I've decided to write it down. This will tend to be more plot then sex, though I will try to make it as sexy as I can. I will try to release chapters weekly if possible, though I make no promises since real life tends to be unpredictable. As always, compliments, comments, corrections, or complaints are always welcome.

Update 11/19- Chapter one is up! It doesn't have any sex in it unfortunately. I'll try and makes up for it in chapter two. Until then, please enjoy this plot heavy first chapter.

"A interesting....."

"Do you think she is friendly?"

"Are these visitors ever friendly?"

"She might be different. You never know...."

"Regardless she certainly dropped in at a bad time. The princess is certainly in no mood for visitors. Especially when she is looking for her soul mate..."

"These silly mortals and their soul mates. What is so great about being attached tosomeone for your entire life? Especially when mortals have such a short time....."

"Ohy ou simply wouldn't understand! When you're in love, that person is in your whole world-"

"Silence! Such talk is undignified of your position! You are not mortal and thus you should not talk at their level!"

"RETURNING to the matter at hand....I, at least, will be watching this visitor with great interest...."

A sharp pain shot through her head,causing her to snap awake. She sat up straight but immediately regretted it as she pressed her hand to her head. After a couple seconds, the pain faded to a dull throbbing allowing her to think. She slowly opened her eyes slightly, only seeing a bright blur. Blinking rapidly she began feeling around for her glasses. After a couple of seconds of feeling around she managed to find them,and set them upon the bridge of her nose. With her glasses on, the world suddenly snapped into crystal clear clarity, and the sight she be held was not what she expected.

She was currently sitting in