A Girl and Her Mother (MC, Futa/Fem, Incest)

Story by ASerra

Black nail polish graced her fingertips and the frills of her skirt swirled around her as she walked. She smoothed her clothes with a self-consciousness brought on by one too many biting comments. They were never loud, but the sting was drawn out by the knowledge that they must have been even more vocal when she wasn't around.

That was all behind her though, only a few more steps and she'd be entering the ultimate sanctuary of her own home. On habit she tried to open the door without unlocking it. To her surprise it easily swung open before her. "Mom? Are you home?" She called out into the silence.

"I'm in my office! Why don't you come up here, I have something to show you!" Her mom called back. A small spark of excitement caught in her chest, but she quickly smothered it. Her mother was a research scientist and occasionally brought home samples that couldn't be shared with the public. It wasn't always cool gadgets or tools, sometimes it was just something interesting they'd happened on as they'd worked. She wasn't sure anything would top the time she'd seen a small working model of anti-gravity levitation.

Showing more restraint than she felt, she walked up the stairs as soon as her bag was safely stowed in its cubby. When she entered the room her mother was looking through a shopping bag from a store she didn't recognize. As soon as her mother noticed her she stored the bag on the other side of the desk and grabbed a pair of headphones.

"You really need to listen to this. We were working on a harmonics project and this one particular track really stood out to us. I think you'll love it," her mother smiled at her, small dimples bracketing her thick red lips.

"All right, I guess I can spare a few minutes," she said. The thick ear surrounding headphones accidentally pushed some of her hair forwards into her eyes. Getting the raven locks to behave was a chore in itself. With a final nod of confirmation her mother hit the play button. It was... soothing. She couldn't really make out anything distinctive, like her mind couldn't quite latch on to the actual sounds, but it was so impossibly soothing. Her eyelids drooped and soon closed completely.

The next thing she knew her mother was gently removing the headphones. "Huh... what?" She opened her eyes and looked around the room slightly confused. The clock read a half hour later. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I just fell asleep on you. Sorry..."

"Oh, it's alright. I'm sure you'll have more chances to listen to it... Many more," Her mother reached around the side of her desk and grabbed the bag from earlier. "I bought you a few things. You can go get changed before dinner and show me how it looks on you before we eat."

She nodded and took the bag with a quick word of thanks. It was a short trip across the hall to her room and she felt much more clear headed as she finally crossed the threshold into her room. For a second she considered closing the door behind herself, but that thought seemed strange. Only