Three new stories in the works.

Story by Theromen

Hi all, I know I've not posted anything in a loooong time but I've been busy trying to get RL situations like getting a job and keeping my bills paid taken care of mostly. However, that doesn't mean I didn't have time to start work on new tales. These are a bit different I think than some of the other stories I've posted prior and though futa content is present deeper in these the futanari sex action is slow to develop in them. I figured I'd post The first couple of chapters here at first to get some feedback, though I know these early chapters are pretty futa action-less right now I'm more interested in the feed back on the style in which these are written and the like. So gimme a shout if you see something ya like or don't like. Remember you've been warned. No futa in these early chapters. So without further ado...


The God Child




Icy fingers of mist rose from the dark earth as a cold rain fell upon a darker yet stretch of woodland somewhere North West of Pittsburgh. The precipitation came down in torrential gales with bitter cold wind behind it to numb the body and the mind. The windy gusts caused the water to become blinding sheets with momentary lapses of near visibility poured randomly throughout. There was no light, neither from the moon above or any man made source, making eyesight a near useless thing amid the tempestuous downpour. In defiance of natures fury however, there was still movement in the darkly woods.

A man and woman stumbled blindly about the undergrowth, groping haphazardly from tree to tree at a dangerous gate through the unseasonable rain. Both of them appeared to be wet thoroughly through to their skins despite their weather appropriate clothing. Their hair clung wetly to their faces darkened also by the watery deluge. Both gulped air with disparity, but the woman gasped audibly every time her feet slipped in the mire of mud, melted snow, and dead leaves. The man barely noticed the woman’s plight as he trudged forward through the begrudging terrain and elements. What he did take heed of was the woman’s sharp cry, that of its own seemed to turn him about to squint half blind into the shower filled dark.

The man’s eyes tried to pierce the murky veil before them but failed miserably, and this realization was apparent on the man’s face now contorted in frustration. His expression quickly changed to one of sheer terror. His ruggedly handsome features took on a ghostly pallor, raindrops quivering on the lips of his agape mouth as his ears detected something his eyes could not&#823