Wish Ring

Story by daximite2020

Been a while!

Have some porn as an apology. :)

Wish Ring

Chapter 1

It was just another day for two college-age room-mates. What made it a special day instead was that there was a small piece of jewelry in an unmarked brown box at the foot of the door. How it got there was a mystery and will likely always remain so.

* * *

Liam opened the door and looked down, seeing the simple package. "What's this?" he asked, picking it up.

"Huh. 'Current Resident.' I guess that means us," he said as he stepped back inside and closed the front door behind him.

Liam's roommate, Dan, took a gulp from a can of coke as he lounged in front of the TV, a comic book in one hand while a movie played on the TV. "What's up?" he asked, not looking up.

"We got a package." Liam smiled as he started undoing the wrapping. The brown paper came lose easily to reveal a wooden, hinged box. Opening it, Liam found a small ring set with a green jewel.

"Oh, weird." He took out a card from the box and started reading. "'To whomever wears the ring: your most extravagant fantasies shall become reality. All that is required of you is to say 'I wish' and then utter your desire aloud. Once wished, wishes cannot be undone for the period of one lunar month. Until that time, all that you have stated will remain the way it is.'" Frowning, Liam flipped the card over but didn't find any more text. "Okay, that's weird."

"Sounds like a prank to me," Dan said. He looked up and said, "If there's hidden cameras or microphones around: ha-ha, very funny!"

Liam laughed and shrugged. "It does seem like a prank, but the ring is pretty cool." Taking it out, he tried it on. It seemed too small at first, but it was almost as if it enlarged as he pushed it onto his finger. "There we go," he said, smiling. "Not bad, right?"

Dan snorted. "You look kinda gay, dude."

"Man, whatever. You're just jealous that I got some free swag." Liam threw the package away and then plopped down on the couch. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers rolled on, and he helped himself to some snacks. "Ohhh, man, nostalgia trip. Remember when we saw this in high school?"

"I preferred the first one," Dan said. "Arwen FTW."

"Nooo kidding." Liam smiled and leaned against the arm of the couch. "Man, sometimes I wish that we were still teenagers. Things were a lot more fun back then, and there was so much less to worry about." Liam felt a subtle sensation, something like a tingle, but ignored it and continued watching television. He had no way of seeing it, but the back wall had just changed to remove all of the posters that both he and Dan had put there. It was the only warning there was before the whole room started stretching like taffy.

"What the hell!?" Liam said, shooting to his feet. When he did, he felt strange and off-balance, as though his center of gravity had changed. Even his chest felt off. As Liam watched and the world aro