Welcome To The League: Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday Courtney

Story by Jezebel1669

It was late into the night shift aboard the Watchtower and a fire in the Everglades had cleaned out most of the heroes as they battled the blaze. Usually it would only have taken a couple of them to stop this kind of thing, but after the first team had been sent down Dr Light had popped up, kidnapped Firehawk and taken her back to his base for an all-night rape session, so now the others were scouring the area to save at least some of Lorraine's dignity.

Meantime the hallways were quiet, the monitor screens blinking on automatic as they received hundreds of reports from all over the world, sorting them and forwarding them onto the relevant authorities, or noting them for future action where needed. Batman had spent several nights a couple of months back fine-tuning the system with Superman, long busy nights.

Courtney sat at the console, her eyes glazing over as the text ticked away in front of her, petty theft after bank raid listing off, their times and locations glowing as she sighed deeply, miserable at having been passed over for the older members of the team even today of all days.

Turning back to the conference table, she saw her cake, the eighteen candles still wisping smoke as the streamers hung limply from the ceiling. Once again she sighed, this time at the sense of duty her father had instilled in her which over-rid her disappointment at having her birthday party ruined by official business once again. She hadn't even had the chance to see Flash's face when she showed him the latest trick she'd learnt with her Cosmic Staff.

Almost drifting off, Stargirl started awake when she heard the alarm buzz moments before the teleporters hummed to life. Sitting up straight in her chair, she stared intently at the monitors, bobbing her head back and forth as new reports filtered in. The central monitor clicked and the icons for Batwoman and Supergirl flashed up, along with their security codes and authorisations.

Turning in her chair, Courtney smiled as the two women materialised on the pad, her eyes drawn to their overly tight costumes. Looking down for a second she tried to suppress the urges she'd been feeling lately when seeing the female heroes in costume, it was almost worse than sharing the showers with them after difficult missions. The memory of the sensations the time Power Girl had asked her to scrub her back was still haunting her at night. She heard her fellow heroines walking across the deck plating and certain she could control herself Courtney looked up once again, waving joyfully as the pair smiled over at her.

"So, eighteen years old Courtney? The time has come to be properly indoctrinated to the League." Supergirl called out, her tone confusing the young woman as she spied the box Kara held in her hands. Was this another present to add to her abundant collection?

"This ceremony is a sacred one, showing the trust and faith that you have for your fellow members. Only if you pass this trial tonight will you be awarded full m