The Locker Room (Femdom)

Story by Eastep

Heads up!

This story does NOT involve a futa! ...yet.

So to let you know, this story only involves fake dicks being used. far.

With all the warnings aside, here is a perfectly normal story of a boy going into the girl's locker room to get an item that fell there, and once inside, receives a fucking up the ass.


"The Locker Room"

"Hey... Maybe you would like my num-" the school bell cut Brandon off before he could offer his digits to the only girl that had paid attention to him today. Heather, a cheery girl a year or two you get than him, smiled a pretty little grin and then dashed off in a fluffy of blonde hair. She was on to her next class, whizzing through the crowd. So far, he had about a dozen of them with her, and even though he had been sitting several chairs over, he still managed to talk a little with her.

"Catch you later Brandon!" she called over her shoulder to the transfer student suffering his first day of school.

"Don't get lost new guy," one of the males said snidely as he passed, bumping shoulders with him.

"I hope I don't...," Brandon replied, joining the throng of students milling off to classes.

The day went by in a blur, and before he knew it, school was over, and it was his chance to earn a friend among the faculty by staying over and helping out.

The first teacher he asked happily accepted the help and got him working. Blackboards, whiteboards, chalk, pencil shavings, littered paper... Brandon got worked like a bitch by the teacher, left panting after he had finished scrubbing the floor.

"Well... I guess you can go then sweetie! Thanks!" the older lady gave him a mischievous grin as she sent him off into the empty hallways.

Brandon set off towards the doors of the school, groaning when he realized that a long trip back to the gym was in order. His school shoes were still on, and if the boots he had left in the locker room stayed there, it would be mean coming back with grass stains on his only good school sneakers...

He trekked off to the little section of the school that hosted all the gym equipment and the like, sighing as he had to make yet another detour.

"Locker rooms..." He mumbled, hefting his books along as he made for the set of doors.

"Boys," the sign on the left said. "Girls," the opposite placard stated, making him take a sharp left towards the faded red door.

"Oh no!" he cursed under his breath as books flew into the air. One thing that sucked about dripping, sweaty boys was that they left the floors slick. And one thing that sucked about his school shoes were that they had no slip resistance.

The boy got to work for the second time that day, gathering his things. A search through the belongings showed them all to be in order...

Except for one item.

Keys. To the car, house, bike, his locker's lock... Everything important.

"Where did they go?!" Brandon rushed out in a panic, sweeping his frightened gaze over the floor.

Finally he peeked his head into the girl's locker room an