League of Lust (Shadow War)

Story by Swerto

The enormous tundra boar bellowed as it was brought down. The beast howled and thrashed, its broken body slammed upon the cool rocky ground, its rider was thrown from the saddle. Sejuani toppled off her wounded mount then rolled a little ways across the ground, bruising herself. Nothing got the barbarian woman’s blood pumping faster than a good fight, and the dragon bitch WOULD be hers. Sejuani scrambled to her feet, her shield and flail at the ready.

The tundra boar was down, felled by a spout of fire from that damnable dragon woman. The arena was cold and rocky, filled with boulders and places to hide. Sejuani turned slowly, ignoring her mounts pained gasps, listening for any sound of the dragon woman who by now had returned to her humanoid form. A flash of red between the rocks. Sejuani began to spin her flail in a vertical arc. Sejuani would only have time for one shot.

Meanwhile Shyvana forced her exhausted legs to move faster as she circled the small clearing where Sejuani stood on guard. The dragon blooded woman had no intention of falling here, she would see her species thrive, no matter what, and that meant winning, and winning and winning. Pushing herself into an all-out sprint Shyvana’s innate magic flared around her, fire spinning around her heels. The damn Freljordian woman would know exactly which direction Shyvana would approach from now, it was all coming down to one final test of dexterity.

Sejuani imagined it was Ashe coming at her, licked her lips then prepared for the dragon to emerge from behind her cover. Sejuani did not wait long. The Damacian burst forth from behind a rocky spire at full speed, fire igniting the air around her, making her a clear target. In that instant Sejuani summoned ice magic into her spinning flail. With a mighty swing she let fly a freezing ball of magic at her enemy. Shyvana was ready and threw herself to one side with a desperate leap.

“A MISS!” cried the announcer. There was a surge of noise in the near distance. Sejuani swore, her hopes dashed as the magic ice splashed useless against a boulder. Sejuani felt a deep sinking sense of despair as Shyvana landed neatly and closed on her. Dismounted, on foot, the barbarian stood little chance against the dragon that bore down on her with fist weapons. Shyvana roared in a furious show of dominance. Sejuani blocked a few hits with her shield, but was brought down to her knees under Shyvana’s impassioned assault. The dragon woman laughed, then leapt atop the Frejlordian with enthusiasm.

The match was decided then. In a hand to hand wrestling match the barbarian stood no chance against the half dragon’s superior strength and size. Swearing, biting, kicking and squirming, Sejuani was expertly disarmed then slowly and brutally stripped. “The winner is Shyvana!” Called the voice, cheers and boos echoed over the rocky arena. Shyvana was in heaven, below her wriggled a beautiful and fertile wom