The 2nd Annual Futanari Palace Story Contest!!

Story by NkedMog

(Most credit should go to Gilgamesh since he started the first contest)

Mod note: Contest is now official. Lraye77 and NkedMog will be in charge since they brought it up. Gilgamesh may lend a hand if he wishes, since he started the 1st one.

A fun writing contest. ITS JUST FOR FUN PEOPLE


- 1,250 – 5,000 word count. There is a gift 100 word leeway either way.

- Must be futanari related.

- Original stories are highly encouraged, but fan fiction is accepted. If you plan to do fan fiction, be prepared to write for people that may not be familiar with the source material.

- Sequels to existing stories are not eligible for entry. The entry may be continued or have sequels at a later time, but cannot be entered into the contest.

- Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, single spaced. The entry shall be submitted as an .rtf file or any other file type that can be accessed easily by many different word processors. User name, tags and date submitted in the upper left corner. Also include whether or not you want to recive feedback. Title is to be placed in the center.

-It's a writing contest, so please, no picture! Best leave it to our imagination!



Tag, tag, tag, tag

Feedback? YES/NO

Oct 10, 2012

and a Title too!

Catogories will not be seperated, I would describe this contest as essentially a free for all. (so choose your genre accordingly or go with whatever you like the best)

The winner will be decided by a public poll vote in a new thread after the deadline has passed. (although if there are a lot of entrants it might take a couple of voting threads or we might need some mod help on that part)

There can only be one official winner, so try not to be too disappointed if your story does not rack in the votes. And above all else remember that the # of votes does not = story quality. (as strange as that sounds)

The voting phase will last for about 2 weeks.

Prize: A gold trophy award icon will be given to the winner (Entrants may get a silver trophy, but that remains to be seen).

Deadline: Extended to December 1st

(after the entry phase, comments and constructive criticism can be posted if the author wanted feedback)

Questions can be asked here and entries should be posted in this thread as well.