Fallen Elves

Story by Mercury01

This is not so much a story as a concept that I want to share. It's an examination of a certain type of elf, and I hope the idea will engender some stories. Feel free to use the concept for your own, but link the story/RP/whatever here if you could. :) I may add more as ideas occur to me, and I welcome any suggestions for further expansion of the concept.

Fallen Elves

Fallen Elves are a curious physiological phenomenon. Elves of both genders are naturally slender and androgynous, magically inclined and given to introspection and philosophical musing. Their long lives allow for deep study into subjects that humans cannot match, and an elf that devotes herself to a skill will surpass even the most learned human masters.

Some elves are given to adventure though, a practice that many elvish matriarchs frown upon. Their human counterparts may see adventuring as merely wasteful and foolhardy, but elves actually begin a slow psychological and physical transformation as they venture further afield from their homes. This is also why diplomacy between elves and other races is often strained: Elves cannot easily support an ambassador.

An elf that spends a few weeks away has little to worry about. After about a month, however, elves will start to adopt peculiar traits. They may become restless, curious, or moody. Some might experiment with narcotics, food, or sex, like a teenager living away from overbearing parents. Unlike humans, however, elves have little tolerance for such vices and may become addicted, even with strong willpower.

Once a few more moths have passed, elves start to experience physiological changes, not unlike a second puberty. Fat and muscle begins to collect in places and body hair starts to sprout. Their bones thicken and reshape. Their skin grows more sensitive, and physical arousal becomes quicker. At first, they are barely noticeable. But the physical changes continue for the greater part of a year.

Humans, dwarves, orcs and other races may regard the elf's newfound temperament as an improvement: to them, she might have been brusque, even icy, and she is simply loosening up.

These changes will continue, and even accelerate. Sometimes elves take up new vocations, such as artistry, military service, or prostitution, and devote themselves to it as passionately as they can.

It's at some point after a year or so has passed that the elf has a moment of lucidity. Often it's some pivotal event in their new life that tips them off. The birth of a child or the eve of one's greatest performance, for example. It's at this moment that an elf will either attempt to return to their home -- depending on the community, the prodigal individual may be welcomed or rejected (they also face the prospect of living as a pariah in an elven community) -- or simply give in to their base urges and remain an outsider from elf society proper. It is the second group that are considered truly 'fallen.'

It is only after the first year do the