Tales of Seraph

Story by Nadiir

So guys, a little while ago, I had an idea for a medieval-style fantasy futa story. It was a pretty basic idea, so I decided to see if I could do a little world building, help me flesh out the setting a bit, so maybe I could get a better story out. Turns out, I really don't know when to stop. So instead of a short story, I have for your perusal today, a 6500-word world-building exercise. Aren't priorities awesome? :D And I gotta say, just writing this thing up has given me ideas for like four other stories, so hopefully you might see something sexy come out of this in the indeterminate future. I will let you know right now, it isn't really that sexy as is, just simply a world-building exercise like I said, but just my attempt to create an interesting world to set some future stories in that had a bit of character. Feel free to let me know what you think of this world I'll end up diving into and if you're interested in the possibilities, cos I'm pretty interested in pursuing it too. So, without further ado, let us dive into the world of Seraph!

The Dominion of Seraph is one of the major kingdoms of the Old World, based around the capital city of Serrice, although the phrase ‘kingdom’ is a misnomer. Within Seraph, gender proportions are significantly different from any other human populations. Only one-quarter of Seraphis are male, more than 70% are female. In such a female-rich society, sexism in general terms does not exist. When over 70% of the population are female, chauvinism is not only difficult to achieve, but without the contributions of women, the society of Seraph would not function at all. Thus, all major roles, such as judges are populated in much the same ratios as the predominant gender makeup. About 80% of all monarchs of Seraph have been female, slightly more than the gender makeup, but is widely considered that women are the more sensible sex, and thus make for better governance.


Royal rule is passed down through royal bloodlines, but the incoming heir must be vetted and approved by a supermajority Council of the High Houses of Seraph. This is an official organisation of the heads of the twenty noblest families that aid in running the nation. Since Seraph is a large nation, and most of the High Houses are based in estates outside of Serrice, all houses have an official representative, usually a favoured cousin or an heir gathering experience of court life and political experience. These representatives are permanently based in Serrice and are authorised to vote by proxy on proclamations and legislation, and have an extensive understanding of a Houses political stance, as well as being regularly updated on pertinent news and shifting ideologues within the House courts, although traditionally the leaders all High Houses are present to officially vote in the royal heir.

All legislation officially originates with the ruler, although Houses, even minor families,