Buried Treasure

Story by ekwood

Edit: Well it's been awhile, so I am dusting off my old thread to provide some fresh stories for newcomers, or perhaps let some people revisit oldies they forgot about. The new additions are at the bottom of this post.

I had been thinking about doing a thread like this for awhile now. It sort of came up in a couple other threads so I figured now is the time.

The idea is there are tons of pages of stories here going back literally years. Especially considering that in the database losses stories don't get wiped out like the image files. So that means that there are some real good stories here that don't get to see the light of day.

I know there is a node thread but I'm pretty sure the rules for that sticky are that only the author can post links there. So I thought making a new thread linking to stories that have been forgotten/abandoned would be appropriate and preferable to mass necro posting.

I'll start it off with a couple of my old favorites and set down some guidelines if anyone else feels like joining in.

1. Limit your picks to stuff that hasn't been on the front page in the last few months. Hardly counts as buried otherwise, and I would like to get exposure to stuff that fairly new people haven't seen (but should).

2. Don't link too many stories. The more you link, the less likely they are to get read. If you want to link more than 1 or 2 try ranking them so the one you feel is most important at least gets attention.

3. A quick blurb or summary to let people know what they are in for might be nice. Tags and whatnot couldn't hurt.

That's all I can think of for now, so here are my picks:


This one is quite old and quite good. A short story with a lot of polish. This guy is not a newby writer. If writing had a smell, his would smell like Terry Pratchett's writing.


A great story by a humble author. Good setting, good characters. Starts with a bit of exposition but its all quality stuff. Fantasy, macro, and Drow are all involved.


Another worthwhile fantasy story that has been buried for over a year so I am adding it here.

Edit: 1/4/14

These latest two are not exactly dead yet, at least their creators haven't said so and they remain active around here so, yea, ya never know. Still they haven't been seen out front in months.



Supernatural, High-School, Harem, macro, magical realism (ok, basically sci-fi.)

A really well written and well plotted story that deserves a look. The story is grounded with believable, realistic cha