The Prefect Monitor

Story by Altamira_vbulletin4_import72293

Updated as of 5/5/2022. Added a PDF that combines all three parts.

This story has a lot of sexy stuff in it. The Prefect Monitor is a story about the fall of a priestess, how she comes to realize this, and what she does with that truth.

Some of you had questions about Part II when it ended. Why did Lastrae do what she did? What was with that whole scene? It doesn't make sense! It does make sense. This is why.

Lastrae was deathly afraid of sex for years after she was raped.

Altamira made her feel safe.

So, after being desensitized to sexual things with Altamira, she began to feel safe with her. She began to become more open about the idea of sexual acts, but only with Altamira. Then, she became okay with sucking people off when Altamira told her to. Lastrae found out she liked it. So, her comfort grew a little bit more, but she was still terrified of actual sex.

The first big moment happened with Sarah, the hermaphrodite at the brothel who Lastrae slapped if you remember. Lastrae had a hallucination, thinking Sarah was Altamira. She was so used to sucking people off at that point that when she began to inspect Sarah for STD's, she just. . . went into cocksucking mode, thinking that penis was Altamira's. When she realized it wasn't, she was terrified. Totally shocked. Her self-control was slipping.

Then, the second big moment came when she had her other hallucination. The big one.

Now listen closely.

A year passed since she met Altamira. Her opinions about sex changed, but she never actively thought about it. Her traumatized mind was healing, and it spoke to her in the form of a hallucination. In that hallucination, she screamed at members of the church, at the high priest. She told them that banning sex in the church was wrong, that sex was just an act. It was not innately bad. These words of hers were truly her own, coming straight from her unconscious mind. At the end of it, Altamira was there, proud of her.

Her unconscious mind knew Altamira would be proud of her for being so strong, of having such a wise, liberal view on sexual acts. And that is when Lastrae realized it was a hallucination, a trick of her own mind.

Keep listening closely.

Lastrae had a dormant libido. Stifled for years. Altamira awakened that, and all that energy was directed toward Altamira, because she made Lastrae feel safe, loved, and that sexual things were okay. Because she was becoming openly horny more, her scars of being raped starting to heal, Lastrae could not control her sex drive. She went to the nearest, most logical person to get laid. Sarah.

Her mind realized the horrors of more trauma were around the corner since she was about to have sex, so it spoke to her. It told her, reminded her, that sexual acts were okay. That whole screaming scene in the church were her own words bubbli