Mind The Labels

Story by Myworld

Hi, I'm Myworld...actually...that's a really awkward name to just say isn't it? Bah, anyway I've been reading stuff here for a while and I became genuinely disturbed by the lack of decent Naruto futa here, specifically those involving Tayuya. With this in mind, I took it upon myself to make something happen. I'm no good at smut but hell, something is better than nothing. I do plan on making it multi chapter but meh, depends on how fast I update. Hate on people.Mind The labels

“…And so, as you can undoubtedly see, my plan to destroy Konoha is fool proof.”

Tayuya groaned as her lord and master, Orochimaru of the Sannin, went over his ‘fool proof’ plan to attack Konoha for the fifth time.

It was fairly interesting the first time she had heard it. She found herself amazed at how he had taken every tiny detail into account, but that quickly wore off the third time.

Perhaps her master was having a moment of vanity, so enraptured by his own supposed genius that he was in a state of disbelief? Maybe he thought they were all mindless idiots barely capable of independent thought?

Either way, she was tired of hearing his plan. Hearing him talk was starting to piss her off. She was grateful to her master for taking her in and making her strong, but sometimes she felt he could be a bit of an asshat. (The word sometimes being used rather loosely)

Then there was the fact that she had to sit inside of his dark and dank lab, located at the very bottom of their base, cleverly hidden behind a large waterfall somewhere in the rice country.

Even though it was standard in an evil lair, she absolutely hated his lab. It felt more like a morgue. Candle light instead of light bulbs, Cadavers on top of operating tables, beakers and test tubes every which a way, some marked with specific names, other blank and unassuming, filled with various colored, mysterious liquids. There were a few that managed to catch her attention; conveniently, labeled ‘Expand’ or ‘Growth’ but the generic-ness of their names initially turned her attention away as she moved from one beaker to the next in search of something better. Finally, her brown eyes settled upon a larger beaker, much bigger than the others, filled with a brown liquid. Given its size, she assumed it was something of relative use (Orochimaru was not known to make something in bulk unless it was useful). However, what really made it stand out from its counterparts was not is size but rather its name.


A scarlet brow arched in curiosity, she made a mental note to further examine the beaker. Maybe, just maybe, it had some strange side effect like giving her super powers and not ones like Sakon/Ukon or Kidomaru. Jirobo did not count because; to her at least, he was just a fat bastard. Still, there had to be something worth investigating, she