Checkmate - Short story

Story by Jezebel1669

Chess flicked through the magazine idly, her eyes drifting over the words she'd already read too many times. The late shift at the Blockbuster store may have paid well but on a Wednesday night the place was dead. The other sales girl had been called to the Manager's office twenty minutes earlier and Chess knew she'd be laid out over his desk by now.

An impatient cough broke her reverie and Chess pushed her spectacles back into place with her fingertips as she smiled over at the customer. Dressed in a tight top and wearing a pair of baggy pants, the dark skinned goddess made a rush of blood flow into Chess's groin. Smiling broadly, Chess tried to ignore the feeling, carefully keeping her eyes locked on the girl's face as she dropped into 'sales mode'. "Good evening madam, how can I help you?"

The girl's face was full of thunder and she slammed a DVD case on the counter. "You can get me the right damned film!"

Looking down at the case, her eyes flashing onto the angry customer's chest for an instant before reading the title of the movie. "The Furry Honey Pot Adventure? It's one of our most popular children's animations, what seems to be the problem?"

"Damn false advertising. Furry honey pot my ass! How do you expect me to get off to a bunch of cartoon bears!?!"

Chess felt her face drop into auto, her smiling remaining fixed as the thought of this ebony goddess laid across her couch, desperately fingering herself to the antics of the animated bears causing her pussy to quiver. "Umm... well... could I offer you some other title?" Stammered Chess, her eyes dropping unconsciously to the girl’s chest again before Chess caught herself and looked away.

"Do you have anything with hot lesbian action that'll get me hard fast?" The woman asked petulantly. Chess was confused for a second, did she just ask for something to get her hard?

"Have you checked out our adult selections?"

"I don't want that junk, I want something hot. Got anything in the back room?" The woman winked as she leaned over the counter, her top stretching tighter across her breasts leaving her nipples clearly visible against the material. Chess reached up and pushed her glasses back into place as she looked down the girl's top, her lips beginning to moisten as dirty thoughts filled her head.

"I do have some new stock we haven't put on display yet, I could get them for you?"

"Why don't I just come back there with you? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier then carrying all those cases out here?" The girl said, flexing her arms so that she squashed her breasts together, her cleavage enticing Chess once more.

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to take customers into the back storage area."

"It'll only be for a few minutes..." The girl's tone was dripping with suggestions, conjuring all kinds of images in Chess's head.

"Well... only for a minute..."

Chess walked out from behind the counter, feeling the moisture on her thighs as she crossed to the main door and turned the display t