WH40K, Sisters of Battle Fic, Janesta's tale.

Story by AbaddonFanboy

I promised to do a warhammer futa fic aeons ago this is it. C and C much appreciated. it's a bit long and, of course, as a futa fic it won't have any fighting in it. To WH40K fans who don't like the idea of Heretical goings on in Sisters convents, read at your own risk! WH40K, Sisters of Battle Fic, Janesta's tale.

Janesta hung her head in shame as she was lead through the gate way of His Beneficent Gaze Convent by her father. Hydraphur was famed through out the segmentum for it's excellent naval tradition. The vast majority of it's 400 billion citizens were engaged in industries that some how served the navy, whether in the vast orbital manufactorums that produced a good third of the segmentum's naval tonnage, providing ratings and officers for the God Emperor's great battle fleets like her own honoured family had for countless millenia, or any number of things the 5 foot 2, 15 year old's relatively limited education could know of.

It was lesser known for hosting one of the Sisters of Battle's most secretive and ancient nunnerys, which she was entering right now flanked by House Sidarta's private bodyguards, specially chosen by her father for their trustworthiness and ability to keep their mouths shut about the dreadful scandal Lord Admiral Sidarta's favourite daughter had brought down on her head and the reputation of the family. A Mutant!! The thought still made her shudder with horror and self loathing. Janesta was dressed in the white evening dress common to ladies of breeding going out for the night. Black skinned, not unusual for Hydraphur's naval aristocracy, and very pretty, with full pink lips, wide, innocent brown eyes and a heart shaped face, she was once considered to have an excellent future ahead of her as a way to cement her house's marital alliance and status. There were even talks of a marriage alliance with House Helmawr of Necromunda. Then at age 12, It had appeared.

She shivered, despite the relative warmth of the night, and raised a despairing face at her father as the reached the high vaulted stone door, imported from holy Ophelia centuries before. He glanced at her, a tall severe faced black man, his dark, curly hair only now beginning to show signs of greying thanks to expensive rejuvenation treatments. For a moment, as he looked down at her, and she saw his face soften wistfully. But it hardened again as he looked away, no matter his love for her, he was a servant of Him-On-Terra first and foremost and would not allow a mutant to remain hidden in his household. That was the reason they made their approach under the cover of dark. In order to prevent a scandal, they made for the nunnery in such a way that as few people as possible would see them, and those that did would believe they were going out for a late night prayer.

Of course, if any of the family's many rivals or enemies had seen their family carriage veer off of the main road in the Ecclesiarchy district and head for the Benef