party hard, my first story

Story by unholyrage

be kind for this is my first real attempt at a story,

i used ff1 for the world

Party Hard!

In a world plagued by creatures of darkness, only the four warriors of light stand defiantly against them. They are prophesized to return harmony to the world and marked by crystals that emanate a holy power. They adventure to save this world from its encroaching doom. The warriors: Karasu, the ninja, Bayonette, the warrior, Wendy, the black mage, and Marina, the red mage, are all strong, noble, and courageous beyond their years. However, something peculiar seems to be occurring…

The crackle of the campfire helps soothe the strange feeling that this particular forest seems to invoke. Our heroes enjoy playing cards leisurely, as this is one of the few breaks they get, well except one, Wendy remains deep in thought.

Wendy looks awkwardly into her lap; she loves each of them, but has told none of them her secret. She tears up at the thought of being shunned by the only three people on the planet that she truly loves. She can’t help but start to think of Karasu's divine curves, marina's refined elegant beauty, and Bayonette's large bust. Wendy seeing herself lacking in these femininely charms. Truly such beauty as these three exists nowhere else. The memory of watching them shower, Wendy touched herself for the first time watching them. They invoked something deep inside of her. She would do anything to have them.

Suddenly there is a rustle in the brush, followed by the snap of branches. “Get ready,” barks Bayonette. “So much for our relaxation,” says Karasu, undoubtedly irritated by the constant assault of worthless creatures. “Will I ever get my beauty sleep?” whines Marina. “But you, you always look beautiful, Marina,” Wendy says. “Hey, focus!” asserts Bayonette, as something starts to emerge from the dark.

A bunny, a cute little bunny emerges. “Well, that was pointless,” says Karasu. And as the words leave her mouth the real beast strikes. It leaps from the brush onto a helpless Wendy, tearing her robe to shreds. However, the beast doesn’t last much longer as she retaliates engulfing it in crimson flames. She slowly stands up holding her head, “hey, could one of you throw me a potion?” but her request falls on deaf ears. All of her companions are standing in awe of the significant bulge, in Wendy’s, now visible, panties. She follows their eyes down to her crotch, and feints.

Wendy wakes to the morning sun shining through the window of a bedroom. She slowly sits up and rubs her eyes sleepily. Seeing Bayonette first she asks wearily, “what happened?” she herself afraid that it wasn’t a dream. “We got ambushed and you got hit hard,” says Bayonette staring out the window. Wendy starts thinking about Bayonette’s amazing body; her shimmering muscles fit her large frame expertly. Her immaculate breasts shaking slightly as she spoke. And then Wendy’s secret starts to show itself